2nd Chance

Revitalisation of the sleeping giants

06/09/2015 08/06/2018


The challenge of this Action Planning network is the activation of vacant buildings and building complexes for a sustainable urban development by self-organised groups. In many European cities smaller and larger derelict sites, underused premises, so called “voids” can be found in or near the city centre. These sites often have a negative impact on their surroundings, nevertheless they present a great opportunity: they can be used to complete a compact settlement structure, to provide space for needed functions in the city.


Lead Partner : Naples - Italy
  • Brussels - Belgium
  • Caen - France
  • Chemnitz - Germany
  • Dubrovnik - Croatia
  • Genoa - Italy
  • Gijon - Spain
  • Liverpool
  • Lublin - Poland
  • Maribor - Slovenia
  • Porto - Portugal



Get in touch

City of Naples

Urban Planning Department

Phone +39 081 7958932 - 34 - 17 


Video stories

More videos are available here.


Kick-off meeting in June (Liverpool). Transnational meeting in October (Chemnitz).

Transnational meetings in July (Gijon) and December (Brussels).

Final event in April (Naples)