URBACT helps cities to develop an integrated set of actions for sustainable change


Bucharest, Romania. EC - Audiovisual Service.

Spotlight on GreenPlace: revitalising green cities for and with the people

When it comes to reusing urban spaces, the GreenPlace Action Planning Network wants to hear from local residents.

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EU City Lab on Public Procurement for More Local, Seasonal and Sustainable Food

Join [u]s for the EU City Lab on Local Food Systems #2 by URBACT and European Urban Initiative!
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Online info session: URBACT Good Practices – visibility opportunities for your city!

What are the benefits of becoming an URBACT Good Practice city? Come to our online session and
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  • 30

    URBACT IV Networks

  • 254

    Partner cities

  • 28

    Countries involved

knowledge hub

Knowledge Hub

The URBACT Knowledge Hub brings together a series of thematic insights. It’s the place where initiatives sparked by URBACT cities have room to grow and evolve. The content shared is accessible to urban enthusiasts across Europe and beyond.

Knowledge Hub - Localising SDGs icon rollover

Localising the 2030 Agenda

Localising the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be a powerful framework for long term impact at local level. Combined with the URBACT Method, the global goals from the Agenda 2030 can be turned into a reality in cities. Find out how!

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Discover a series of booklets, guidance and inspiration to tackle challenges linked to urban mobility and improve public spaces. Building from the experience from the past round of Action Planning Networks, URBACT brings to you the Walk'n'Roll initiative!

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Food and sustainable local systems

Find out how cities can benefit from local and sustainable food systems, some good food for thought! From gardens to your plate, understand how this subject can touch on policy-making, community building and much more.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Gender is at the heart of all URBACT activities, this thematic angle is mainstreamed at all levels. Check out how cities can become more gender equal!

URBACT Toolbox

Your set of tools and resources to shape better cities!


Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. URBACT makes sure cities have the right tools to spark change, one step at a time.

Maybe you have an idea for an innovative and sustainable policy? Or perhaps you’ve identified a pressing challenge in your city that has to be solved?

The URBACT Toolbox has everything you need to design and implement integrated and participatory actions in your city.