Making sure that women have equal access to economic resources and benefit equally from opportunities and growth is recognised as a vital contribution towards gender equality and sustainable development. It improves the life chances of women and increases their potential to positively contribute to creating better cities. Closing gender gaps at global and local levels requires action for decent jobs and equal pay, the creation of enabling infrastructure through investment in public services, changes to business practices and development of gender- sensitive policies. Cities are the main creators of economic wealth, generating over 70% of the world s GDP26. Most industries and businesses are located in or within the immediate vicinity of urban areas, providing city residents with job opportunities. It follows that women have more opportunities for gainful employment and economic equality in cities. A truly gender equal city takes account of both paid and unpaid labour and equality of spare time as part of this agenda. Given that many of the factors determining economic structure are beyond the control of local government, what are the possible actions for cities? How does the social and regulatory infrastructure support women s economic empowerment? How can cities understand and influence the way gender is operating in their local labour markets? Much can be done at a local level to harness women s potential and reduce inequalities. This means developing instruments to help integrate women into the labour market and also rethinking current practices to make the local labour market fairer, safer and more humane, letting both men and women enjoy fulfilling lives with space for professional and personal development. Actions related to pay gaps, labour market organisation, participation and segregation, entrepreneurship and unpaid care work are described in this chapter. Furthermore, in many European cities local government is a main employer, which gives it the opportunity to lead by example on gender equality. The city s own human resources policy can cultivate gender equal workplaces: from parental leave to equal pay and sexual harassment reporting frameworks and training.
26 UN Habitat, Economy , see at: https://unhabitat.org/urban-themes/economy/
Gender pay gap © Eurostat (2022)