Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story

Edited on 14/05/2021

Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story consists of a Best Practice reflection and an interview with the leader of the Aarhus Music School, Lars-Ole Vestergaard, and a visual journey narrated from the perspective of the URBACT local group coordinator of Aarhus, Gunnild De Ridder.


Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story consists of a Best Practice reflection and an interview with the leader of the Aarhus Music School, Lars-Ole Vestergaard, and a visual journey narrated from the perspective of the URBACT local group coordinator of Aarhus, Gunnild De Ridder.

“Once upon a time was a little Queendom in which we had discovered the power of music on creating coherence between the people and together empower children to share and care for each other and the world, but we realized that out there in the realm of stars in a circle was knowledge and knowhow to collect…” 

The story of Aarhus creates a travel map. A travel based on a wish to share ideas in a common care for our children and the future world they are to create.
The story unfolds by reflecting the main moments related to the Transfer Network in a visual and aesthetic form:

•    Beginning: One of the partner-cities of the ONSTAGE Project 
•    Start of the project in Aarhus- Creating the ULG group and Transfer Plan: Gathering inspiration from abroad, visualizing the future
•    A Playful journey that shows the strength of working as a team 
•    Mobilities: Experiences gained in the international exchanges
•    DEMO action: Message to the future
•    Reflection time: Covid19
•    Change time: Collecting and improving
•    Share
•    Finishing with an eye to the Future

More information at https://www.aarhusmusikskole.dk/innovation/urbact/

Submitted by c.salido on 14/05/2021