The URBACT Knowledge Hub brings together good practices from across the EU, with the latest urban trends, to fill the gaps and make sure that the learning is within everyone's reach. Despite of their size and number of inhabitants, cities have often been designed to make room for cars. Three URBACT Networks have reflected on how we can shift the mobility paradigm in Europe to create more inclusive spaces. Together under the Walk'n'Roll initiative, 28 cities -- from towns to metropolises -- have explored common visions and practical interventions through different workshops, events and a series of guidance. Take a ride with us and discover why streets belong to people!
- Climate action
- Urban planning
- Social cohesion

The Walk'n'Roll lessons were drawn from the following Action Planning Networks (2019 - 2022):
Gender-inclusive mobility in cities
Gender equality is one of URBACT's three cross-cutting priorities. Together with green transition and digital transformation, it represents both a key challenge and a major transformative force to ensure the long-term impact and sustainability of policy changes.
For this reason, and in an effort to find synergies between all the different issues of interest to cities, URBACT is planning activities to increase your knowledge and skills on gender equality and mobility.
As part of this offer, URBACT hosted a 1.5-hour webinar on "Gender-inclusive mobility in cities" focused on a user-centred perspective of mobility planning, exploring the barriers and possible gender-inclusive solutions for mobility models. The webinar took place on 5 March at 14.00-15.30 CET and gathered more than 160 participants.
Watch the recording of the event and stay tuned for more to come!

Guidance for cities of all sizes

Check out all booklets
Walk'n'Roll - all booklets(PDF, 19Mo)