05/06/2019 08/08/2022
Transforming streets to create people-friendly places. The ambition of Thriving Streets is to improve sustainable mobility in urban areas from an economic and social perspective. The premise of the Thriving Streets network is that break-troughs in sustainable urban mobility can be established when mobility is no longer framed as just going from A to B but rather as a means for social-economic development of the city. The key question Thriving Streets network intends to answer is the following: “How can mobility become a motor for urban health, inclusivity, economy and social cohesion?”

Thriving Streets
Lead Partner : Parma - Italy- Antwerp - Belgium
- Igoumenitsa - Greece
- EDC Debrecen - Hungary
- Klaipèda - Lithuania
- Nova Gorica - Slovenia
- Oradea - Romania
- Radom - Poland
- Santo Tirso - Portugal
- London Borough of Southwark
- October 1: Kick-Off Meeting Phase I, Parma
- June 9-10: Kick-off meeting Phase II
- June 25: Online coordination meeting
- September 11: Online coordination meeting
- October 26, 28: Online coordination meeting
- November 25: Thematic learning event “Active mobility vs car dependency”
- November 26: Transnational meeting, Antwerp
- December 15: Thematic learning event “Co-creating Thriving Streets”
- February 26: Thematic learning event “Thriving local economy”
- April 14-15: Transnational meeting, Nova Gorica
- May 7: Thematic learning event “Places for people”
- June 21-22: Transnational meeting, Santo Tirso
- July 20: Masterclass “Placemaking for recovery”
- July 22: Thematic learning event “Streets for all”
- September 30-October 1: Transnational meeting, Southwark
- December 10: IAP Peer review meeting
- March 30: Thriving Communities, digital learning event
- April 26-28:Transnational meeting in Santo Tirso (Portugal) and study visit in Pontevedra (Spain)
- May 24, 25: Transnational meeting in Nova Gorica and study visit in Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- June 14-16: URBACT City Festival, Pantin / Greater Paris (France)
- July 5-8: Walk and Roll Cities Final Event, Barcelona (Spain)
- July 14: Masterclasses on Urban Freight and Parking Management
Thriving Streets Final Report(PDF, 13Mo)
Thriving Streets Thematic Report(PDF, 2Mo)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - ANTWERP (BE)(PDF, 810Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - DEBRECEN (HU)(PDF, 819Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - IGOUMENITSA (EL)(PDF, 487Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - KLAIPEDA.pd (LT)(PDF, 962Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - ORADEA (RO)(PDF, 992Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - PARMA (IT)(PDF, 2Mo)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - SANTO TIRSO (PT)(PDF, 812Ko)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - SOUTHWARK (UK)(PDF, 2Mo)
Factsheet Thriving Streets - NOVA GORICA (SI)(PDF, 787Ko)
Integrated Action Plan
Increase attractivity and decrease car-dependency in Santo Tirso
Read more here !
Santo Tirso - Portugal