Saglabā datumu URBACT Pilsētu Festivālam 2025!


URBACT Pilsētu Festivāls norisināsies no 2025. gada 8. līdz 10. aprīlim Polijas pilsētā Vroclavā. Šīs pasākums demonstrēs integrētas un ietekmīgas pilsētu prakses no visas Eiropas. Pilsētu Festivālā tiks izsludināts konkurss URBACT Pārneses tīkliem, lai veicinātu labo prakšu nodošanu citām pilsētām un veidotu partnerības starp interesentiem.

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🔔 URBACT un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas ziņu lapa


Pieraksties jaunumu saņemšanai savā e-pastā ⬇️


  • Vebinārs par dzimumu iekļaujošu mobilitāti pilsētās

    2025. gada 5. martā URBACT programma organizē vebināru par dzimumu iekļaujošu mobilitāti pilsētās!

    Reģistrējies šeit

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Iepazīsties ar 116 jaunākajām URBACT Labajām praksēm!

    Pārlūko nesen atjaunināto URBACT Labo prakšu datubāzi un atrodi īsto ideju savai pilsētai!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • URBACT City Festival 2025

    Ir atvērta reģistrācija URBACT Pilsētu Festivālam 2025. gadā!

    URBACT Nacionālais kontaktpunkts Latvijā aicina piedalīties URBACT Pilsētu Festivālā 2025. gadā! Festivāls norisināsies trīs dienas – no 2025. gada 8. līdz 10. aprīlim Polijas pilsētā Vroclavā!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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Good Practices and Networks

  • 2Nite

    2Nite network aims to transfer the multidisciplinary and inclusive approach of the Urban Innovative Actions project ToNite to the topic of urban security during


    WISH CITIES network aims to create a strategic framework for the well-being of adolescents, structured around three key pillars: the development of youth


    CITISENSE is an Innovation Transfer Network led by the Municipality of Piraeus, dedicated to enhancing urban security through innovative approaches. Building on

  • Experimentation as a tool for cooperation

    Empathy-driven approach promoting collaboration for sustainable decision-making 

  • Re-Gen

    Re-Gen is a European network of cities that aims to support sustainable urban development and social inclusion thanks to the protagonism of secondary school

  • Residents of the future

    Residents of the future wants to address the issue of urban depopulation within small and medium-sized cities. By focusing on digital transformation, economic

  • PUMA

    Through the development of integrated mobility action plans, PUMA aims to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable mobility in small and medium sized cities

  • EcoCore

    EcoCore focuses on accelerating the green transition in the industrial areas of partner cities. It aims to build the capacity of small cities in addressing


    LET‘S GO CIRCULAR! network is paving the way for a sustainable, just and productive transition of cities towards a functioning Circular Economy. It addresses


    DIGI-INCLUSION network aims to tackle social exclusion and boost digital inclusion not only by granting access to technology but by enabling people to develop

  • Agents of Co-Existence

    The main objective of the Agents of Co-Existence Network is to foster innovative approaches to societal challenges and strive for inclusive local policies with


    The INT-HERIT implementation network brings together 9 European cities facing challenges related to the revitalisation of their cultural heritage. These cities

  • Gen-Y City

    Over the last decades, younger people have increasingly chosen to live in urban areas, whilst the share of older residents in cities has generally fallen

  • TechTown

    By exploring how small and medium sized cities can maximise the job creation potential of the digital economy, this Action Planning network examined whether


    In many European cities one of the positive side effects of the financial-economic crisis is the growth of innovative forms of solidarity and commitment at


    Seeking answers on how to combat social exclusion through the redesign of public spaces in deprived residential areas by using the power and common language of


    In times when personal sacrifices are much needed to tackle burning societal issues, fostering and enabling collaboration at local level of public
  • Volunteering Cities +

    The transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational


    Playful Paradigm increases the capabilities of cities to answer global challenges including those emerged during covid19. It promotes inclusion

  • BluAct second wave

    Following the success of the first generation of the Urbact BluAct Transfer Network - in which 6 European cities were supported to transfer a Good Practice in

  • DigiPlace

    Digi Place is an Action Planning Network that aims to set up an acceleration mechanism to enable cities to catch up the digitalisation opportunities in hard &

  • iPlace

    iPlace is a journey where the partner cities are fellow travellers who are always seeking to find niches appropriate for their cities, while deepening their

  • Cities4CSR

    The project’s main aim is to unlock opportunities in order to improve our cities. The Action Planning Network of CITIES4CSR has identified in Corporate Social


    The ACCESS Action Planning Network believes that a more inclusive culture has the ability to facilitate greater understanding of individuals and their lives

  • Re-growCity

    Re-growCity Transfer network focuses on the development of interventions that built on local capabilities to arrest and reverse long term social, economic and


    The ALT/BAU Transfer Network focuses on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing

  • ACTive NGOs

    This Transfer network learned from the good practice of the Riga NGO House, which was opened in 2013, in line with the wishes of residents and civil society

  • NGO house

    NGO House and the power of the civic ecosystem


    In September 2015, at what was the height of migration flows witnessed in the Europe since the Second World War, this Action Planning network began its


    Rethinking Agri-food production in small and medium-sized European cities is the aim of this Action Planning network. Agri-food production is a mature industry

  • CSI Europe

    The aim of the JESSICA initiative is to support “sustainable investment in cities”. Through the implementation of the initiative, Urban Development Funds are