Gen-Y City

Developing, attracting and retaining young local talent

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Over the last decades, younger people have increasingly chosen to live in urban areas, whilst the share of older residents in cities has generally fallen. Nevertheless, the impact of wage levels and different unemployment rates across Europe has lead youngsters to move mainly to big cities. In this, sense this Action Planning network aimed on developing, attracting and retaining young local talent, particularly, the creative talent from the Generation Y - people who were born between 1980 and 2000 - within cities of all sizes.



Lead Partner : Poznań - Poland
  • Bologna - Italy
  • Genoa - Italy
  • Sabadell - Spain
  • Granada - Spain
  • Coimbra - Portugal
  • Nantes - France
  • Wolverhampton
  • Kristiansand - Norway
  • Klaipèda - Lithuania
  • Daugavpils - Latvia
  • Torun - Poland

City of Poznan
plac Kolegiacki 17,
61-841 Poznań



Kick-off meeting in June (Torun). Transnational meeting in September (Wolverhampton) about 'Making the case for investment in creative-tech talent' and 'How to make best use of Labour Market Information'. Transnational meeting and The role of culture.

'Transnational meeting about 'Smart Specialisation, Tech Hubs and Civic Tech Initiatives' transnational meeting in March (Coimbra); in July (Bologna) about 'Creative - Tech Talent Ecosystem Frameworks'.

City Development Forum in January (Poznan). Final event in April (Poznan).

Integrated Action Plans

Within an Action Planning Network, the Integrated Action Plan is a local output, specific to each city. Thus, the local circumstances, as the concrete actions to be carried out in response to the network's sustainable development challenges, are defined by the URBACT Local Group. This core group is composed by a wide range of relevant stakeholders, who have a stake in the addressed challenge and who play an active role in co-designing the plan alongside the project partner. This document is the result of the interplay between the theme, each city's starting point and its individual URBACT journey. It highlights the positive learning experience cities have undertaken, both from a local and a transnational perspective.

Intercultural cities programme (ICC)

The Intercultural cities programme (ICC) supports cities in reviewing their policies through an intercultural lens and developing comprehensive intercultural strategies to help them manage diversity positively and realise the diversity advantage.

Intercultural Cities Newsroom

Amadora launches a Guide on the welcoming of migrants

Blue Economy Forum

BlueAct Toolkit

BlueAct : The Documentary


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