URBACT Festival mest 2025 bo potekal od 8. do 10. aprila 2025 v Vroclavu na Poljskem. 
Več o programu tukaj.

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UCF2025 teaser
  • Poiščite navdih v posodobljeni bazi URBACT dobrih praks!

    Pobrskajte po posodobljeni bazi dobrih praks in izberite pravo idejo za vaše mesto!


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  • URBACT Festival mest 2025

    Prijave na URBACT Festival mest 2025, ki bo potekal med 8. in 10. aprilom v Vroclavu na Poljskem so zdaj odprte. Prijavite se zdaj!


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    Mesta mestom je serija katalogov, v katerih so zbrane dobre prakse trajnostnega urbanega razvoja. Istočasno je Mesta mestom tudi platforma, namenjena izmenjavi izkušenj in medsebojni podpori med slovenskimi mesti.


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Več informacij

NUP SI PetraNacionalna URBACT točka

Petra Očkerl, IPoP


(+386) 41/880-165






Nacionalna URBACT točka

Nina Plevnik, IPoP


(+386) 40/342-811



MC SI Tomaz

Nadzorni odbor (Monitoring Committee)

Tomaž Miklavčič, Ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor





SI coat of arms


Prvostopenjska kontrola

Natalija Gracej, Ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor



URBACT v Sloveniji

Trenutno se izvaja četrta različica programa  URBACT IV (2021–2027). Junija 2023 je z delom začela prva skupina omrežij v okviru programa URBACT IV. V 10 akcijskih omrežjih sodeluje tudi 8 slovenskih mest.


V obdobju URBACT III (2014–2020) je bilo v program vključenih 9 slovenskih mest, ki so sodelovala v 14 omrežjih. Ob tem je med junijem 2021 in decembrom 2022 šest slovenskih mest sodelovalo pri Pobudi za prenos dobre prakse – pobudi razširjanja dobrih praks URBACT mest na nacionalni ravni.


V programu URBACT delujejo nacionalne točke (National URBACT Point – NUP), katerih naloge so obveščanje o programu in informiranje potencialnih upravičencev; širjenje rezultatov programa; spodbujanje dialoga med lokalnimi, regionalnimi in nacionalnimi akterji na področju urbanega razvoja in podpora sekretariatu pri izvajanju aktivnosti za krepitev zmogljivosti.


V Sloveniji nalogo nacionalne URBACT točke opravlja IPoP – Inštitut za politike prostora. IPoP je nevladna, svetovalna in raziskovalna organizacija, ki deluje na področju trajnostnega urejanja prostora. Osrednji rezultati organizacije so politike, kampanje, študije, platforme in procesi, ki izboljšujejo kakovost bivanja v mestih.


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URBACT v letu 2025

URBACT IV (2021-2027)



Več o programu URBACT IV (2021−2027)

Pobuda za prenos dobre prakse − Mestna dnevna soba

Šest slovenskih občin po zgledu Idrije povezalo lokalno skupnost

Občine Bohinj, Bovec, Ormož, Podlehnik, Radenci in Razkrižje so decembra 2022 zaključile prenos dobre prakse mestne dnevne sobe v svoje lokalno okolje. 
Cel članek tukaj.


Povezane skupnosti in njihovi prostori ustvarjajo bolj sodelujoča, pravična in odporna mesta

Gosti z različnih koncev Evrope so spregovorili o pomenu sodelovanja med mesti in civilno družbo, ki je ključno za kakovost življenja in storitev v mestih ter za učinkovito odzivanje na izzive. Cel članek tukaj.

Peto srečanje partnerjev Pobude za prenos dobre prakse v Razkrižju in Radencih

Partnerji so se udeležili delavnice na temo vključevanja ranljivih skupin v načrtovanje aktivnosti v lokalnem okolju, razmišljali o tem, kako nagovoriti različne ciljne skupine in se preizkusili v kreativnem načinu iskanja finančnih virov za svoje projekte in aktivnosti. Cel članek tukaj.

Četrto srečanje partnerjev Pobude za prenos dobre prakse v Ormožu

Partnerji so se udeležili delavnice o deležnikih in ključnih skupinah, razmišljali o komuniciranju na socialnih omrežjih in si ogledali nekaj dobrih praks v Ormožu. Cel članek tukaj.

Good Practices and Networks

  • Temporary use of spaces

    Creating economic creativity by using empty buildings and undeveloped sites 

  • Play With Me

    Inclusive international festival uniting individuals with and without special needs  

  • Solar School Energy Community

    Energy community based on a cooperatively owned solar power plant

  • City Forest

    Development of urban forests 

  • Transforming wastewater basins into a biodiversity hotspot 

    Shifting from industrial use to nature conservation in urban areas 

  • S.M.ALL

    The S.M.ALL network  addresses urban challenges, promoting and implementing sustainable mobility solutions for all, including safe home-to-school journeys

  • PUMA

    Through the development of integrated mobility action plans, PUMA aims to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable mobility in small and medium sized cities

  • FEMACT-Cities

    Gender equality has been enshrined in EU law for nearly 25 years, however, implementation on a local level remains uneven. The role of gender equality as a


    ECONNECTING focuses on sustainable urban-rural mobility solutions within the 30-minute territory. Our mission is to advocate inclusive, digital, and ecological

  • TechDiversity

    TechDiversity is an URBACT network of eight partners representing small and medium-sized European cities, that aim to boost and facilitate diverse local

  • U.R. Impact

    U.R. Impact focuses on addressing a key policy challenge: to develop effective strategies for empowering local communities during processes of urban

  • Breaking Isolation

    The "Breaking Isolation" Network, composed with 10 European cities, aims to address the rising issue of social isolation.

    The project seeks to strengthen

  • BiodiverCity

    In ten European cities URBACT Local Groups will work out community-based approaches to valorise, measure and account biodiversity and related ecosystem services

  • EcoCore

    EcoCore focuses on accelerating the green transition in the industrial areas of partner cities. It aims to build the capacity of small cities in addressing

  • Cities@Heart

    Cities@Heart brings together ten European urban areas with diverse profiles but with one common goal: achieving a balanced and inclusive city centre for all

  • Creation of a new NGO platform

    The new ‘Towns’ Living Room’, established by the municipality in a vacant building, involves the heads of the city administration, active citizens, social


    The partner cities from this Implementation network have a common need to improve the implementation of their existing integrated urban strategies and action

  • CityCentreDoctor

    The cities of this Action Planning network were challenged to identify the urban issues relate to their city centre, analyse perceptions and reality of those

  • Playful Paradigm

    Cities offer unique opportunities for addressing the challenges of urbanization, ageing, climate change, social exclusion, only if enabling, enjoyable places

  • Thriving Streets

    Transforming streets to create people-friendly places. The ambition of Thriving Streets is to improve sustainable mobility in urban areas from an economic and

  • Genderedlandscape


    Gender equality is a fundamental goal of EU policy. Unfortunately, many urban policies, services, and physical developments still do not take gender into

  • URGE

    URGE, an abbreviation for 'circular building cities' is an Action Planning network on circular economy in the construction sector - a major consumer of raw


    Playful Paradigm increases the capabilities of cities to answer global challenges including those emerged during covid19. It promotes inclusion

  • BeePathNet Reloaded

    BEE PATH good practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet-Expanded project will widen the network of “bee

  • BluAct second wave

    Following the success of the first generation of the Urbact BluAct Transfer Network - in which 6 European cities were supported to transfer a Good Practice in

  • Creation of a new NGO platform

    The new ‘Towns’ Living Room’, established by the municipality in a vacant building, involves the heads of the city administration, active citizens, social


    Recent experience suggests that it is necessary to promote a transition towards regional food systems. FOOD CORRIDORS encourages the creation of a network of

  • iPlace

    iPlace is a journey where the partner cities are fellow travellers who are always seeking to find niches appropriate for their cities, while deepening their

  • Re-growCity

    Re-growCity Transfer network focuses on the development of interventions that built on local capabilities to arrest and reverse long term social, economic and

  • BeePathNet

    BEE PATH Good Practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet Transfer network aims to up-grade and transfer BEE

  • Bee path

    Building together the story of bees in urban areas

  • Bringing citizens closer to their mayor and city services

    A citizens' inniatives service allowing citizens to participate in decision-making at local level

  • Community building and neighbourhood renewal

    A case of revitalising degraded residential urban neighbourhoods through community planning

  • JobTown 2

    Innovative, Practical Approaches to Tackling Youth Unemployment

  • Urban Green Labs

    Promoting citizens engagement in upgrading urban green spaces

  • Active A.G.E

    Develop an exchange of experience between 9 cities facing an ageing population - in order to develop greater professional capacity and thus identify and develop

    FIN-URB-ACT strives for more efficient local support structures for SMEs' development and innovative economies. The rationale is that such structures on local

  • WEED

    Identifying and developing integrated local actions that improve women’s situation in employment, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy are key to this

  • Active Travel Network

    The basic goal of the project is to set up a network of international partners to encourage Active Travel in cities as appropriate means of transport for short