BeePathNet Reloaded

Enriching the Urban Jungle with Bees

01/06/2021 01/12/2022


BEE PATH good practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet-Expanded project will widen the network of “bee-friendly cities” based on BeePathNet project transfer success. It will address urban environmental, biodiversity and food self-sufficiency challenges linked to urban beekeeping through integrated and participative approaches, build key stakeholders’ capacities to influence relevant policies, develop and implement efficient solutions.


LEAD PARTNER : Ljubljana - Slovenia
  • Bergamo - Italy
  • Osijek - Croatia
  • Sosnowiec - Poland
  • Bansko - Bulgaria


Get in touch


City of Ljubljana

Mestni trg 1

1000 Ljubljana





  • Kick-off meeting

  • Boot Camp in Ljubljana (SI)
  • Thematic Transfer meeting in Osijek (HR)
  • Thematic Transfer meeting in Bansko (BG)
  • Thematic Transfer meeting in Bergamo (IT)
  • Thematic Transfer meeting in Sosnowiec (PL)
  • Final Conference in Ljubljana (SI)
Bee Path Cities

Join the Bee Path Cities movement

Bee Path Cities impact

BeePathNet Reloaded Transfer meeting in Bergamo
BeePathNet Reloaded Transfer meeting in Bergamo


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