URBACT pomaga miastom opracować zintegrowany zestaw działań na rzecz zrównoważonych zmian.
Festiwal Miejski URBACT we Wrocławiu
W przypadku pytań, zachęcamy do kontaktu z Krajowym Punktem URBACT w Polsce.

- 6259REinventing Culture in Urban PlacesOngoingInnovation Transfer Network917, 154, 217, 1559, 1712, 1713217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 6258Plan Einstein AcademyOngoingInnovation Transfer Network933, 300, 1694, 866, 973, 987973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 6255Future STEAM CitiesOngoingInnovation Transfer Network180, 149, 1710, 686, 17091709Płock52.547074347443, 19.79172465633Poland
- 4669PUMAOngoingAction Planning Network539, 1614, 1615, 523, 399, 279, 963, 662, 987399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 4664SCHOOLHOODSOngoingAction Planning Network1608, 434, 915, 1609, 986, 702, 241, 16101610Skawina49.979199101997, 19.824173500805Poland
- 4661In4GreenOngoingAction Planning Network181, 961, 319, 523, 800, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1582, 1639319Dabrowa Gornicza50.32169, 19.194913Poland
- 4660GreenPlaceOngoingAction Planning Network979, 655, 1423, 1547, 1597, 1598, 1626, 1599, 1600, 542979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 4658GenProcureOngoingAction Planning Network961, 987, 511, 591, 1594, 921, 1654, 1549, 1596511Koszalin54.194322, 16.171491Poland
- 4657FEMACT-CitiesOngoingAction Planning Network295, 1592, 1593, 300, 897, 522, 512, 1550512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 4652TechDiversityOngoingAction Planning Network911, 152, 217, 434, 524, 1583, 169, 1576, 460217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 4651U.R. ImpactOngoingAction Planning Network1391, 217, 1578, 1429, 1390, 1579, 555, 1577, 628, 1575217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 4650WELDIOngoingAction Planning Network933, 850, 391, 132, 895, 298, 680, 1572, 538, 1573850Sosnowiec50.286264, 19.104079Poland
- 4646ARCHETHICSOngoingAction Planning Network281, 1554, 512, 399, 1555, 1556, 1557, 530, 1558399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 4646ARCHETHICSOngoingAction Planning Network281, 1554, 512, 399, 1555, 1556, 1557, 530, 1558512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 4637DIGI-INCLUSIONOngoingAction Planning Network606, 470, 137, 901, 1546, 458, 1547, 1548, 15491546Gdańsk Entrepreneurship FoundationPoland
- 4636C4TALENTOngoingAction Planning Network1540, 790, 149, 1541, 1542, 717, 772, 967, 1544, 1545790Rzeszow50.040265893484, 21.998393456438Poland
- 4628Cities@HeartOngoingAction Planning Network593, 513, 421, 680, 1536, 1538, 1539, 281, 1607, 1417513Kraków Metropolis Association50.062537, 19.93939Poland
- 4625Agents of Co-ExistenceOngoingAction Planning Network1413, 399, 489, 250, 1416, 1642, 1530, 120, 234399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 3813Resourceful CitiesClosedAction Planning Network891, 585, 704, 292, 987, 681, 961, 247, 259, 676676Opole50.671062, 17.926126Poland
- 771CREATIVE SPIRITSClosedImplementation Network459, 484, 559, 562, 579, 747, 843, 917, 974562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 772URBinclusionClosed194, 303, 415, 512, 566, 637, 895, 911, 114512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 766BoostInnoClosedAction Planning Network187, 194, 229, 399, 522, 599, 701, 862, 114, 979979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 766BoostInnoClosedAction Planning Network187, 194, 229, 399, 522, 599, 701, 862, 114, 979399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 765Freight TAILSClosed242, 401, 519, 567, 702, 853, 866, 877, 921, 976401Gdynia54.51889, 18.530541Poland
- 764Gen-Y CityClosed223, 299, 320, 407, 421, 499, 515, 635, 731, 791, 902, 977902Torun53.01379, 18.598444Poland
- 764Gen-Y CityClosed223, 299, 320, 407, 421, 499, 515, 635, 731, 791, 902, 977731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 763In FocusClosedAction Planning Network217, 41, 224, 246, 388, 427, 684, 718, 726, 114217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 761ProcureClosed132, 142, 223, 267, 505, 511, 562, 631, 734, 738, 814511Koszalin54.194322, 16.171491Poland
- 761ProcureClosed132, 142, 223, 267, 505, 511, 562, 631, 734, 738, 814562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 758CityCentreDoctorClosedAction Planning Network152, 443, 460, 587, 630, 659, 712, 744, 802, 935744Radlin50.049141, 18.476877Poland
- 756REFILLClosedAction Planning Network154, 175, 235, 298, 410, 446, 635, 684, 731, 768731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 754VITAL CITIESClosedAction Planning Network219, 251, 252, 255, 512, 539, 559, 767, 829, 932, 954512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 753CHANGE!ClosedAction Planning Network120, 152, 335, 352, 386, 399, 522, 632, 768399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 752CityMobilNetClosedAction Planning Network126, 130, 216, 229, 256, 615, 692, 770, 839, 851, 986770Road and greeneries management54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 751RESILIENT EUROPEClosedAction Planning Network163, 239, 255, 415, 467, 482, 574, 729, 783, 893, 948482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 741Civic eStateClosedTransfer Network158, 194, 399, 410, 458, 637, 737399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 740Com.Unity.LabClosedTransfer Network119, 196, 540, 60, 562, 684, 843, 891562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 733RU:RBANClosedTransfer Network261, 307, 512, 560, 777, 893, 968512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 732RUMOURLESS CITIESClosedTransfer Network131, 151, 270, 442, 591, 973973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 730Playful ParadigmClosedTransfer Network306, 369, 482, 499, 523, 664, 916, 956482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 729Tropa VerdeClosedTransfer Network324, 435, 677, 810, 931, 993677Opole Agglomeration50.673482, 17.931056Poland
- 727Volunteering CitiesClosedTransfer Network146, 147, 168, 176, 177, 269, 736, 744744Radlin50.049141, 18.476877Poland
- 724Thriving StreetsClosedAction Planning Network702, 163, 348, 462, 499, 662, 678, 745, 811, 553745Radom51.40253, 21.14714Poland
- 718KAIRÓSClosedAction Planning Network205, 281, 448, 573, 619, 781, 829, 919573Malbork54.03591, 19.0266Poland
- 716ROOFClosedAction Planning Network229, 410, 415, 538, 670, 731, 893, 895, 905731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 715Tourism Friendly CitiesClosedAction Planning Network229, 259, 331, 333, 335, 407, 512, 786, 951512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 710RiConnectClosedAction Planning Network159, 195, 400, 423, 425, 513, 727, 893400Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area54.372158, 18.638306Poland
- 710RiConnectClosedAction Planning Network159, 195, 400, 423, 425, 513, 727, 893513Kraków Metropolis Association50.062537, 19.93939Poland
- 705Find your GreatnessClosedAction Planning Network117, 131, 230, 267, 542, 709, 971, 979979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 704Urb-En PactClosedAction Planning Network213, 290, 295, 347, 355, 393, 594, 693213Bialystok Functional Area53.13333, 23.16433Poland
- 692BioCanteens#2ClosedTransfer Network396, 538, 617, 979979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 693BeePathNet ReloadedClosedTransfer Network191, 209, 548, 680, 850850Sosnowiec50.286264, 19.104079Poland
- 694BluAct second waveOngoingTransfer Network227, 399, 504, 539, 717399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 695Tech Revolution 2.0OngoingTransfer Network149, 198, 665, 790790Rzeszow50.040265893484, 21.998393456438Poland
- 697CO4CITIESClosedInnovation Transfer Network251, 298, 399, 114399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 698Global Goals for CitiesOngoingAction Planning Network229, 233, 344, 398, 415, 448, 473, 499, 519, 577, 618, 689, 752, 816, 845, 877, 912, 949, 955344Dzierżoniów50.7282, 16.65141Poland
- 700USE-ITClosedInnovation Transfer Network219, 731, 783, 907731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 702AS TRANSFERClosedInnovation Transfer Network217, 41, 879, 895217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 709Health&GreenspaceClosedAction Planning Network115, 234, 371, 542, 591, 731, 809, 866, 879731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 726Welcoming International TalentClosedTransfer Network217, 322, 429, 535, 570, 702, 991217Bielsko-Biala49.822377, 19.058384Poland
- 728URBAN REGENERATION MIXClosedTransfer Network185, 219, 223, 229, 905, 987, 997997Łódź51.783333, 19.466667Poland
- 735ONSTAGEClosedTransfer Network120, 122, 241, 428, 482, 518, 940482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 736ON BOARDClosedTransfer Network133, 440, 635, 731, 877, 963731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 737Making Spend MatterClosedTransfer Network221, 485, 511, 695, 738, 815, 961511Koszalin54.194322, 16.171491Poland
- 739Come in!Closed386, 411, 718, 724, 917, 942, 973973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 742C-CHANGEClosedTransfer Network128, 405, 576, 578, 829, 979979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 747ALT/BAUClosedTransfer Network288, 302, 768, 789, 824, 114, 965789Rybnik50.092386, 18.54558Poland
- 746BeePathNetClosedTransfer Network115, 152, 257, 281, 548, 643257Bydgoszcz53.123482, 18.008438Poland
- 5580CIA 7ClosedImplementation Network540, 334, 562, 673, 523, 196, 710, 827, 332562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 5585ReGenerationClosedImplementation Network294, 560, 365, 803, 918, 212, 968212Bialystok53.132489, 23.16884Poland
- 5583JobTown 2ClosedImplementation Network894, 223, 548, 532, 131, 492, 631492Kielce50.866077, 20.628568Poland
- 773Urban Green LabsClosed116, 393, 443, 579, 680, 790, 801, 810, 968790Rzeszow50.040265893484, 21.998393456438Poland
- 7592nd ChanceClosedAction Planning Network242, 261, 288, 333, 407, 412, 547, 562, 579, 637, 726562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 796NodusClosed131, 158, 327, 406, 420, 482, 757482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 789SuiteClosed441, 458, 512, 588, 635, 649, 762, 810, 877512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 787RegGovClosed334, 437, 654, 668, 788, 814, 842, 870788Ruda Śląska50.255829, 18.85557Poland
- 785FIN-URB-ACTClosed180, 210, 349, 393, 412, 416, 530, 545, 579, 761, 777416Gliwice50.294492, 18.67138Poland
- 812EUniverCitiesClosed180, 323, 410, 527, 544, 562, 570, 878, 943562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 782My GenerationClosed163, 196, 219, 399, 415, 419, 704, 768, 783, 896, 936, 973973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 778CityRegion.NetClosed169, 283, 318, 424, 492, 621, 678, 911, 994318Częstochowa50.81182, 19.120309Poland
- 792JESSICA 4 CitiesClosed232, 575, 576, 726, 731731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 777Building Healthy CommunitiesClosedAction Planning Network153, 183, 187, 198, 206, 527, 537, 569, 114, 997997Łódź51.783333, 19.466667Poland
- 788RUnUPClosed192, 338, 395, 534, 704, 846, 928534Leszno51.841986, 16.593755Poland
- 808EVUEClosed204, 388, 482, 60, 569, 681, 860, 866, 976482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 793JOINING FORCESClosed241, 242, 255, 352, 383, 512, 540, 827512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 784REDISClosed120, 212, 439, 570, 577, 649, 717, 960212Bialystok53.132489, 23.16884Poland
- 796NodusClosed131, 158, 327, 406, 420, 482, 757420Government Of Mazovia RegionPoland
- 820USERClosed303, 330, 426, 512, 60, 562, 571, 711, 768562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 814My Generation at WorkClosed163, 229, 399, 415, 579, 768, 783, 878, 893, 114, 936, 973973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 802OP-ACTClosedAction Planning Network147, 160, 319, 345, 529, 532, 586, 631, 661, 768319Dabrowa Gornicza50.32169, 19.194913Poland
- 810CSI EuropeClosed160, 530, 540, 574, 576, 726, 731, 768, 827, 891731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 798URBAMECOClosed171, 219, 302, 419, 566, 642, 881, 979, 997997Łódź51.783333, 19.466667Poland
- 825EVUE IIClosed204, 388, 482, 681, 866, 976482Katowice50.264892, 19.023782Poland
- 798URBAMECOClosed171, 219, 302, 419, 566, 642, 881, 979, 997979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 820USERClosed303, 330, 426, 512, 60, 562, 571, 711, 768512Krakow50.06465, 19.94498Poland
- 823CityLogoClosed120, 131, 299, 336, 407, 681, 933, 968, 973, 989973Warsaw52.229676, 21.012229Poland
- 811ENTER.HUBClosed292, 314, 401, 413, 563, 679, 726, 738, 752, 782, 920, 997997Łódź51.783333, 19.466667Poland
- 776Active A.G.EClosedAction Planning Network327, 349, 579, 734, 777, 827, 857, 893, 977857Starogard53.760346, 15.533514Poland
- 778CityRegion.NetClosed169, 283, 318, 424, 492, 621, 678, 911, 994492Kielce50.866077, 20.628568Poland
- 818URBACT MarketsClosed179, 194, 332, 706, 866, 904, 114, 976, 979979Wroclaw51.107885, 17.038538Poland
- 805TOGETHER for Territories of CoresponsibilityClosed225, 231, 311, 321, 485, 620, 708, 797321Debica50.051642, 21.411696Poland
- 827Diet for a Green PlanetClosedTransfer Network604, 606, 842, 998998Łomża53.166667, 22.083333Poland
- 813JOBTOWNClosed180, 181, 281, 360, 417, 479, 492, 525, 631, 762, 894492Kielce50.866077, 20.628568Poland
- 782My GenerationClosed163, 196, 219, 399, 415, 419, 704, 768, 783, 896, 936, 973399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 794LUMASECClosed187, 239, 258, 485, 566, 794, 925, 927258Bytom50.348382, 18.915718Poland
- 779CoNetClosed131, 165, 210, 242, 412, 547, 574, 692, 843, 945, 985985Zabrze50.324928, 18.785719Poland
- 795HOPUSClosed323, 399, 777, 924, 929399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 775EGTCClosed199, 287, 373, 540, 701, 840, 862840Slubice52.351065, 14.560465Poland
- 811ENTER.HUBClosed292, 314, 401, 413, 563, 679, 726, 738, 752, 782, 920, 997401Gdynia54.51889, 18.530541Poland
- 774HeroClosed424, 547, 562, 637, 721, 750, 831, 939, 968562Lublin51.246454, 22.568446Poland
- 799LC-FACILClosed258, 419, 496, 530, 762, 874, 970258Bytom50.348382, 18.915718Poland
- 783OPENCitiesClosed206, 41, 246, 332, 341, 569, 655, 731, 843, 960731Poznań52.406374, 16.925168Poland
- 814My Generation at WorkClosed163, 229, 399, 415, 579, 768, 783, 878, 893, 114, 936, 973399Gdańsk54.352025, 18.646638Poland
- 5579Bring UpClosedAction Planning Network197, 888, 464, 889, 850, 474, 174, 629, 666850Sosnowiec50.286264, 19.104079Poland
- 5579Bring UpClosedAction Planning Network197, 888, 464, 889, 850, 474, 174, 629, 666464Institute Of Urban Development50.074811, 19.929683Poland