URBACT pomaga miastom opracować zintegrowany zestaw działań na rzecz zrównoważonych zmian.

Festiwal Miejski URBACT we Wrocławiu



W przypadku pytań, zachęcamy do kontaktu z Krajowym Punktem URBACT w Polsce.

Festiwal Miejski URBACT we Wrocławiu

Festival Miejski 2025


i spotkajmy się we Wrocławiu



Dobry Praktyki Miejskie

Wybrano 116 Dobrych Praktyk miejskich z całej Europy, w tym kilka z Polski

Biuletyn Informacyjny URBACT

Good Practices and Networks

  • REinventing Culture in Urban Places

    Funded by URBACT, REinventing Culture in Urban Places (RECUP) harnesses culture and creativity to strengthen urban and peri-urban communities. Inspired by

  • Plan Einstein Academy

    In Plan Einstein Academy, six cities collaborate to transfer good practices from Utrecht’s Plan Einstein approach to new local contexts. Network partners will

  • Future STEAM Cities

    Future STEAM Cities network focuses on transferring innovative practices developed during Aveiro STEAM City, funded by Urban Innovative Actions. The network's

  • Green and blue city transformation

    Bringing city centre back to the residents by creating green, open spaces 

  • Youth spaces network

    A network of safe, open spaces created for and by young people 

  • Revitalised tram depot as a vibrant cultural centre

    Providing space for students, artists, social leaders and NGOs 

  • Microgrants

    Supporting grassroots initiatives through annual open calls for grants 

  • Participatory city strategy

    Involving city stakeholders in decision-making processes 

  • Urban farm

    Sustainable farm producing quality vegetables while involving individuals at risk 

  • Entrepreneurial kids

    Fostering entrepreneurial spirit in children through engaging workshops and activities 

  • PUMA

    Through the development of integrated mobility action plans, PUMA aims to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable mobility in small and medium sized cities


    SCHOOLHOODS puts children’s health and safety on the menu of how to get to school. The cities of this URBACT network work with pupils, parents and teachers to

  • In4Green

    In4Green is a collaborative network of industrial cities from across Europe with a shared commitment: to lead transformative change within European industry and

  • GreenPlace

    GreenPlace is an URBACT network consisting of ten partners who aim at developing a set of activities for "recycling" unused urban areas, using social

  • GenProcure

    GenProcure will address the gender equality in public procurement, many times referred to as Gender-Responsive Public Procurement. It consists of promoting

  • FEMACT-Cities

    Gender equality has been enshrined in EU law for nearly 25 years, however, implementation on a local level remains uneven. The role of gender equality as a

  • TechDiversity

    TechDiversity is an URBACT network of eight partners representing small and medium-sized European cities, that aim to boost and facilitate diverse local

  • U.R. Impact

    U.R. Impact focuses on addressing a key policy challenge: to develop effective strategies for empowering local communities during processes of urban


    In order to build more inclusive and resilient societies, local authorities need to ensure that migrant reception and support policies guarantee that migrants


    ARCHETHICS network brings together nine European cities that share the presence of heritage linked to a complex and controversial historical past (totalitarian


    DIGI-INCLUSION network aims to tackle social exclusion and boost digital inclusion not only by granting access to technology but by enabling people to develop

  • Cities@Heart

    Cities@Heart brings together ten European urban areas with diverse profiles but with one common goal: achieving a balanced and inclusive city centre for all

  • Agents of Co-Existence

    The main objective of the Agents of Co-Existence Network is to foster innovative approaches to societal challenges and strive for inclusive local policies with

  • Resourceful Cities

    RESOURCEFUL CITIES is an URBACT Action Planning Network of ten European cities. This project seeks to develop the next generation of urban resource centres, so

  • Enriching the urban jungle with bees

    Connecting sites for bees freedom


    The partner cities from this Implementation network have a common need to improve the implementation of their existing integrated urban strategies and action

  • URBinclusion

    Socioeconomic disparities and other forms of inequalities are a major issue in European cities which are threatened by social polarisation increase. Poverty

  • BoostInno

    The work developed by the cities of this Action Planning network has proven that social innovation is not just a trend, but it could also be qualified as a

  • Freight TAILS

    Devoted to discovering Tailored and Innovative Logistic Solutions (TAILS) for the successful management of freight, this Action Planning network aimed on

  • Gen-Y City

    Over the last decades, younger people have increasingly chosen to live in urban areas, whilst the share of older residents in cities has generally fallen

  • In Focus

    By mobilising a significant number of stakeholders, this Action Planning network had the mission to rethink the stakeholders’ agendas on business-led economic

  • Procure

    The goal of this Action Planning network was to explore how to harness the spending power through procurement of public and anchor institutions in the partner


    In many European cities one of the positive side effects of the financial-economic crisis is the growth of innovative forms of solidarity and commitment at


    Seeking answers on how to combat social exclusion through the redesign of public spaces in deprived residential areas by using the power and common language of


    In times when personal sacrifices are much needed to tackle burning societal issues, fostering and enabling collaboration at local level of public
  • CityMobilNet

    Cities that suffer from congestion, emission loads, social exclusion and, lastly decrease of the quality of life, have gathered in this Action Planning network


    Becoming more resilient means that a city strives to enhance its ability to bounce back and grow even stronger and better in the face of the chronic stresses

  • Civic eState

    The Civic eState network worked on new models of urban co-governance based on the commons. Two years of EU cooperation for promoting urban co-governance and

  • Com.Unity.Lab

    This Transfer network aims to replicate the Lisbon Local Development Strategy for areas of Priority Intervention which provides the city a range of integrated


    This Transfer network builds upon the "Management model of Urban gardens in Rome" Good Practice, in order to transfer to EU cities geographically distant from


    The Rumourless Cities transfer network is focused on the transfer of good practice established by the municipality of Amadora which addresses a need across all

  • Playful Paradigm

    Cities offer unique opportunities for addressing the challenges of urbanization, ageing, climate change, social exclusion, only if enabling, enjoyable places

  • Volunteering Cities

    This Transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational

  • ROOF

    To end homelessness through innovative housing solutions at city level is the main driver from the Action Planning network. It is not about managing

  • Tourism Friendly Cities

    TOURISM-FRIENDLY CITIES is an Action Planning Network aimed at exploring how tourism can be made sustainable in medium-sized cities, reducing the negative

  • RiConnect

    RiConnect is an Action Planning Network of 8 metropolises which aim is to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructures in order to reconnect people

  • RiConnect

    RiConnect is an Action Planning Network of 8 metropolises which aim is to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructures in order to reconnect people

  • Find your Greatness

    Find your Greatness is a concept that reflects the most challenges addressed by AIM together with other EU local communities. Why Find your Greatness? Because

  • Urb-En Pact

    The 8 partner cities and organisations involved in the Urban Energy Pact project embrace the ambitious goal of becoming net zero energy (NZE) territories no

  • BioCanteens#2

    BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network is about ensuring the distribution of sustainable school meals in participating cities as a key lever towards the development of

  • BeePathNet Reloaded

    BEE PATH good practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet-Expanded project will widen the network of “bee

  • BluAct second wave

    Following the success of the first generation of the Urbact BluAct Transfer Network - in which 6 European cities were supported to transfer a Good Practice in

  • Tech Revolution 2.0

    Medium-sized post-industrial cities in Europe seek ways to grow & diversify their economies to compete with the pull of larger hubs. This is even more important

  • Understanding and shaping procurement spend

    Supporting local economy, society and environment via procurement

  • Enriching the urban jungle with bees

    Connecting sites for bees freedom


    CO4CITIES is the UIA - URBACT Transfer Mechanism pilot network that transfers the methodological structure of UIA CO-CITY: the Regulation on collaboration

  • Global Goals for Cities

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call of

  • USE-IT

    Larger capital projects in poor neighbourhoods often do not lead to an improvement in the socio-economic situation of the local population. The USE-IT UIA -


    The AS Fabrik Transfer Mechanism pilot seeks to share the experience of Bilbao in the AS FABRIK Urban Innovative Actions project  with other European cities

  • Health&Greenspace

    How can we improve urban green spaces in order to promote mental and physical health for our communities? Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network links green

  • Welcoming International Talent

    This Transfer network focus on Higher education and knowledge economy, both have become a global competition for talent. Whereas the main European cities

  • Making Spend Matter

    Making Spend Matter Transfer network explores how to use spend analysis as an evidence tool to enhance the impact of procurement by public / anchor institutions


    The ALT/BAU Transfer Network focuses on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing

  • BeePathNet

    BEE PATH Good Practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet Transfer network aims to up-grade and transfer BEE

  • Improving the social dimension in the process of urban regeneration

    A collaborative city model that increases the participation of city residents, promotes their equal involvement and strengthens relations between the main

  • Resident service points

    A tool for improving residents’ access to public services

  • Apartments for graduates

    An affordable housing project aimed at university graduates

  • So stay hotel

    A socially responsible hotel to train young people leaving foster care for adult life

  • ReGeneration

    Reviving places, communities and resources

  • JobTown 2

    Innovative, Practical Approaches to Tackling Youth Unemployment

  • Urban Green Labs

    Promoting citizens engagement in upgrading urban green spaces

  • 2nd Chance

    The challenge of this Action Planning network is the activation of vacant buildings and building complexes for a sustainable urban development by self-organised


    FIN-URB-ACT strives for more efficient local support structures for SMEs' development and innovative economies. The rationale is that such structures on local

  • Diet for a Green Planet

    Food and agriculture accounts for a key part of global environmental challenges including climate change, biodiversity, nitrogen and phosphorus. Diet for a

  • RUnUP

    Developing “triple helix” structures in which municipalities, university and businesses shared a common vision and ambition.

  • JESSICA 4 Cities

    Urban Development Funds (UDFs) foreseen in the JESSICA initiative for integrated plans for sustainable urban development


    The challenge set out by the Leipzig Charter may seem vast; nevertheless, it is only through joint efforts that we can truly aspire to better new housing

  • EVUE

    Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the

  • Hero

    Develop integrated and innovative management strategies for historic urban landscapes

  • CSI Europe

    The aim of the JESSICA initiative is to support “sustainable investment in cities”. Through the implementation of the initiative, Urban Development Funds are

  • EGTC

    The first objective of the EGTC URBACT project is to promote the development of cross-border urban development strategy.


    ENTER.HUB promotes the role of railway hubs/multimodal interfaces of regional relevance in medium cities as engines for integrated urban development and

  • Active A.G.E

    Develop an exchange of experience between 9 cities facing an ageing population - in order to develop greater professional capacity and thus identify and develop
  • EUniverCities

    Improve the university-city nexus. By applying to the URBACT programme, they want to learn from each other's experiences and practices, and move forward as

  • Building Healthy Communities

    Health is important for the wellbeing of individuals and society, but a healthy population is also a prerequisite for economic productivity and prosperity. The

    A European Network of Local Partnerships for the Advancement of Youth Employment and Opportunity

  • CityRegion.Net

    Develop new structures and tools that make it possible to improve collaboration on the "city-region" level.

  • CityLogo

    CityLogo is a transnational learning experience on citybranding and -marketing in modern urban politics. It is about a better positioning of cities in the (post

  • CoNet

    Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods


    Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe (EVUE) focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to