19/09/2022 19/09/2022
The first objective of the EGTC URBACT project is to promote the development of cross-border urban development strategy.

The EGTC project works on the promotion of innovative governance tools in a panel of cross-border agglomerations. Whereas some cross-border conurbations are quite in advance in the governance process, other ones, especially from the new Member States, need good practices as model, to be adapted to their own context. The “EGTC” URBACT project aims to enable stakeholders of urban development in cross-border conurbations to exchange on governance methods regarding any kind of projects, strategies (from observation, urban planning, operational projects to cross-border integrated urban strategies), different legal tools (cross-border convention, common structures, public and private partnerships…), and to identify concrete results, success and failure, so as to improve cross-border cooperation (institutionally, legally, financially…).
The European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC), the new European instrument, is today the only legal tool allowing multi-level governance including national authorities when necessary. The “EGTC” URBACT aims to study how it could become a European tool of reference to support governance of cross-border conurbations
Project launch
Project completed
Lead Partner : Paris - France- Chaves - Portugal
- Basel-Stadt - Switzerland
- Strasbourg - France
- Esztergom - Hungary
- Slubice - Poland
- Lille - France