Отворена е първата покана по Програма УРБАКТ IV – подкрепа за създаване на мрежи за съвместно планиране с участието на местни власти и техните партньори от цяла Европа. Целта на мрежите е насърчаване на партньорското и интегрирано планиране, фокусирано върху ключови въпроси на местното развитие в унисон с Кохезионната политика на ЕС.

Подробна информация за покана и условията за участие може да намерите на адрес: https://urbact.eu/get-involved

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National URBACT Point - Bulgaria

Good Practices and Networks

  • EmPowerIngUs

    EmPowerIngUs represents a significant stride in urban innovation and social inclusion by advanced data analysis and technical fieldwork, facilitating not only

  • S.M.ALL

    The S.M.ALL network  addresses urban challenges, promoting and implementing sustainable mobility solutions for all, including safe home-to-school journeys

  • Re-Gen

    Re-Gen is a European network of cities that aims to support sustainable urban development and social inclusion thanks to the protagonism of secondary school


    Metacity aims to increase competitiveness of small and medium tech-aware cities, benefiting from the opportunity to enhance service efficiency and citizen

  • Cities for Sustainability Governance

    Cities are urged to set ambitious ecological goals for climate and biodiversity while managing social and economic sustainability. No European city has yet

  • Cities After Dark

    Life in cities continues even after dark. The 'Night Economy' is made up of activities that are essential for a city to function 24 hours a day and play a

  • BiodiverCity

    In ten European cities URBACT Local Groups will work out community-based approaches to valorise, measure and account biodiversity and related ecosystem services


    ARCHETHICS network brings together nine European cities that share the presence of heritage linked to a complex and controversial historical past (totalitarian


    The partner cities from this Implementation network have a common need to improve the implementation of their existing integrated urban strategies and action

  • Stay Tuned

    European cities face higher levels of Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) than their national averages, meaning that some urban areas have more


    This Action Planning network explored how digital, social media and user generated content can improve today’s urban management in European cities, whatever


    Seeking answers on how to combat social exclusion through the redesign of public spaces in deprived residential areas by using the power and common language of


    Becoming more resilient means that a city strives to enhance its ability to bounce back and grow even stronger and better in the face of the chronic stresses

  • SmartImpact

    The focus of this Action Planning network was less about technology solutions per se, but more about governance structures, process and business models. The

  • BluAct

    BluAct is a Transfer network of 7 European port cities including Piraeus, Mataro, Ostend, Galati, Matosinhos, Burgas and Salerno aiming to share good practices

  • Com.Unity.Lab

    This Transfer network aims to replicate the Lisbon Local Development Strategy for areas of Priority Intervention which provides the city a range of integrated

  • BeePathNet Reloaded

    BEE PATH good practice logic is very simple - bees are the best indicator of healthy environment! BeePathNet-Expanded project will widen the network of “bee

  • A municipal farm to supply local canteens

    Paving the way for city leadership in local food production

  • Global Goals for Cities

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call of


    The NEXT AGRI UIA - URBACT Transfer Mechanism pilot network builds from the experience of Milan. The city decided to set up an urban coalition with a series of

  • iPlace

    iPlace is a journey where the partner cities are fellow travellers who are always seeking to find niches appropriate for their cities, while deepening their

  • Cities4CSR

    The project’s main aim is to unlock opportunities in order to improve our cities. The Action Planning Network of CITIES4CSR has identified in Corporate Social


    The ACCESS Action Planning Network believes that a more inclusive culture has the ability to facilitate greater understanding of individuals and their lives

  • BioCanteens

    BioCanteens Transfer Network is about ensuring the distribution of sustainable school meals in participating cities as a key lever towards the development of an

  • A home for everyone

    Social housing & soft measures to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups

  • Active A.G.E

    Develop an exchange of experience between 9 cities facing an ageing population - in order to develop greater professional capacity and thus identify and develop
  • CoNet

    Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods

  • CTUR

    Cruise activity and the recovery of urban and harbour building heritage: Strong elements of the common interest of sea towns to develop and strengthen the urban

  • CASH

    Propose new solutions and promote new policies for the sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing units in the European Union.

  • EUniverCities

    Improve the university-city nexus. By applying to the URBACT programme, they want to learn from each other's experiences and practices, and move forward as