Date of label : 29/10/2024

  • Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region , Portugal

  • Size of city : 436.949 inhabitants

This image shows an elderly man and woman wearing face masks, standing near a taxi parked on a quiet street.

This image shows an elderly man and woman wearing face masks, standing near a taxi parked on a quiet street. 


SIT FLEXI transforms the mobility paradigm in low population density areas, where large-capacity fixed-route transport is inefficient or not viable. In the Coimbra region (PT), SIT FLEXI operates only with passenger reservations, making it possible to cut costs and reduce pollutant emissions. Beyond operational logistics, the service improves quality of life, by promoting social inclusion, health and wellbeing, decarbonised transport, and giving citizens better access to public services and leisure facilities. 

The solutions offered by the Good Practice

The problem addressed is the lack of adequate public transport in areas of low population density. For example, the Coimbra region, covering more than 4 336 km2 with just 100 inhabitants per square km, is typical of areas where transport demand is low and costs are high, especially given population declines in rural areas in recent years.  


The SIT FLEXI solution is to introduce an on-demand service to improve mobility and accessibility in rural areas, and bring people closer to services in the centre of municipalities.  


Although focussed on mobility, the service has a strong social purpose. The project promotes equality and inclusion in areas not reached by the regular public transport network or where, most of the time, there is no transport solution.  


The Demand Responsive Transport Solution (SIT FLEXI), is the most efficient mobility solution for citizens living in low-density areas. It only works on demand, and without fixed routes, but is key to the social inclusion of groups like elderly people, single parents, and citizens with conditioned mobility, enabling them to access healthcare services, jobs, education, and food stores. 

Building on the sustainable and integrated urban approach

Access to public transport is fundamental for urban development, ensuring all citizens can access essential services, education, and employment. SIT FLEXI, created by CIM-RC, addresses key challenges: 


Reducing asymmetries: Provides on-demand public transport in areas with limited public transport coverage, ensuring an efficient, high-quality service for its users, mostly women and residents in low-density areas.  


Reducing social isolation: Connects people living in low population density areas with public services and community hubs.  


Encouraging population return: Supports the return of residents who left for urban centres. 


Sustainable transport: Promotes the development of sustainable, cost-effective, local and small-scale transport. 


Safe transport: Enhances the use of safe public transport, and addresses the issue of violence against women in transport systems. 


The scheduling of routes, stops, and timetables are designed based on collaborative work, and collected information on the needs of inhabitants and municipalities. 

Based on participatory approach

Since 2020, the project team has conducted at least 2-3 general meetings in each of the 18 municipalities annually to present their results, totalling over 80 meetings to improve flexible on-demand transportation in the Coimbra region.  


In addition to meetings with local taxi drivers and municipalities, the CIM-RC has held meetings with taxi representatives at national level (ANTRAL and FPT), local and regional health representatives, the transport and mobility regulator, and central government representatives.  


Improvements include responding to new travel needs, reducing environmental impact by using greener vehicles, maximising the number of passengers per journey, and streamlining the scheduling of the service.  


The SIT FLEXI team collaborates with local health units, and regional hospital and primary healthcare managers, to develop the network and co-design new routes to better meet the mobility needs of users. 

What difference has it made?

SIT FLEXI is a highly efficient on-demand responsive transport solution for citizens in the Coimbra region that live in low-density areas. Operating without fixed routes, it ensures access to healthcare, jobs and other services for the elderly, single parents, and citizens with mobility issues. It also facilitates social inclusion, and some passengers use the booking centre simply as a means to connect with others. 


Through the SIT FLEXI project, CIM-RC has achieved one of its most significant strategic objectives, which is to ensure that all citizens in the Coimbra region have access to the transport network, whether by bus or the on-demand service. 


Results achieved:

  • An average of 446 SIT FLEXI bookings per month.
  • Partnership with more than 130 taxi drivers in the region (via co-operation protocols or public contracts).
  • Service implemented in more than 630 places.  

Why this Good Practice should be transferred to other cities

SIT FLEXI is a relevant practice for other European cities. 

It contributes to:

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 3 (Good health and wellbeing), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities), SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 13 (Climate action).
  • The Urban Agenda for the EU.
  • The EU Territorial Agenda 2030. 


National law defines the requirements that flexible on-demand transport must meet, and a national programme funds this kind of mobility project. This legislative context is essential to allow on-demand transport solutions to complement typical existing transport solutions. 


Other cities can adapt the practice to achieve similar outcomes:

  • A flexible mobility paradigm for areas where transport in large-capacity vehicles using fixed routes is not viable or efficient.
  • Reducing operating costs and reducing pollutant emissions and carbon footprint.
  • Improving the population's quality of life through social inclusion, health and wellbeing.
  • It can be adapted for other regions with low population density, and where the transport network has no coverage  and/or where operating costs are too high due to the dispersion of demand.  


Important factors for replication:

  • The logistical capacity/taxi network in place as the basis for the rapid implementation of low-capacity transportation solutions.
  • Political will and a favourable legal framework.
  • Involving local authorities in the planning and continuous improvement of the service.
  • Transport network planning that promotes intermodality.
  • Supporting taxi drivers through the digitalisation process.
  • Financial support. 


The practice has been presented in Scotland, Spain and Saarland (Germany), where the team helped to define other transport solutions. They also provided support to other regions in Portugal implementing demand-responsive transport solutions.