14/06/2021 31/12/2022
The transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational collaboration where different age groups of both volunteers and individuals facing social problems work towards a sustainable evolution of the quality of life within local society. The network aims at structuring the volunteering activity giving validity to a bottom up approach, where volunteers can decide and implement actions.
Lead Partner : Athienou - Cyprus- Agia - Greece
- Aljustrel - Portugal
- Banská Štiavnica - Slovakia
- Viļāni - Latvia
Final Products
Volunteering Cities+ Agia Roadmaps(PDF, 6Mo)
Volunteering Cities+ Aljustrel Roadmaps(PDF, 7Mo)
Volunteering Cities+ Banska Roadmaps(PDF, 53Mo)
Volunteering Cities+ Vilani Roadmaps(PDF, 3Mo)
Kick-off meeting (September), Transnational Meeting (November)
Transnational Meetings (April, June, September), Final Event (December)