Il programma URBACT mira a incoraggiare lo sviluppo urbano integrato in Europa, attraverso la creazione di reti tra le città europee per lo scambio di buone pratiche e idee.
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Unisciti a noi a Milano per scoprire come le città possono promuovere sistemi alimentari locali più sostenibili, trovando strategie diverse per l'uso del territorio!
L'EU City Lab sui Sistemi Alimentari Locali #3 è un evento di condivisione della conoscenza co-organizzato da URBACT e dall'Iniziativa Urbana Europea (EUI), con il supporto del comune ospitante di Milano (Italia). Si terrà dal 23 al 24 ottobre 2024.
L'evento esplorerà nuove strategie di utilizzo del territorio per rispondere alle esigenze urbane, promuovendo un approvvigionamento alimentare sostenibile. Attraverso discussioni, condivisione di conoscenze, sessioni tematiche e attività di gruppo, l'evento mira a esplorare come strategie innovative di uso del suolo possano promuovere sistemi alimentari sostenibili e resilienti nelle aree urbane di tutta Europa.
- 4673S.M.ALLOngoingAction Planning Network1430, 523, 503, 1536, 843, 331, 374, 1411, 16261430Ferrara44.833332, 11.616667Italy
- 4671Remote-ITOngoingAction Planning Network1559, 448, 1620, 238, 879, 628, 1576, 1553238Brindisi40.632728, 17.941762Italy
- 4670Re-GenOngoingAction Planning Network1616, 1617, 320, 1618, 1551, 1541, 327, 599, 1619599Milan45.465422, 9.185924Italy
- 4670Re-GenOngoingAction Planning Network1616, 1617, 320, 1618, 1551, 1541, 327, 599, 16191616VeronaItaly
- 4667Residents of the futureOngoingAction Planning Network829, 131, 1621, 798, 718, 1622, 1623, 796, 578, 1624578Mantova45.156777, 10.788126Italy
- 4669PUMAOngoingAction Planning Network539, 1614, 1615, 523, 399, 279, 963, 662, 987279Cento44.73099, 11.28716Italy
- 4664SCHOOLHOODSOngoingAction Planning Network1608, 434, 915, 1609, 986, 702, 241, 1610702Parma44.801485, 10.327904Italy
- 4663NextGen YouthWorkOngoingAction Planning Network352, 120, 272, 458, 499, 686, 709, 1433, 955, 963709Perugia43.1122, 12.38878Italy
- 4662METACITYOngoingAction Planning Network391, 266, 1604, 1605, 644, 748, 121, 917, 1606, 1419266Campobasso41.560254, 14.662716Italy
- 4661In4GreenOngoingAction Planning Network181, 961, 319, 523, 800, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1582, 1639800Salerno40.67545, 14.79328Italy
- 4660GreenPlaceOngoingAction Planning Network979, 655, 1423, 1547, 1597, 1598, 1626, 1599, 1600, 5421600Quarto d'AltinoItaly
- 4658GenProcureOngoingAction Planning Network961, 987, 511, 591, 1594, 921, 1595, 1549, 1596591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 4657FEMACT-CitiesOngoingAction Planning Network295, 1592, 1593, 300, 897, 522, 512, 1550897Torino45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 4656ECONNECTINGOngoingAction Planning Network775, 1560, 631, 1588, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1627775Romagna Faentina44.2229, 11.7717Italy
- 4652TechDiversityOngoingAction Planning Network911, 152, 217, 434, 524, 1583, 169, 1576, 460169Arezzo43.463284, 11.879634Italy
- 4651U.R. ImpactOngoingAction Planning Network1391, 217, 1578, 1429, 1390, 1579, 555, 1577, 628, 15751391Cinisello BalsamoItaly
- 4650WELDIOngoingAction Planning Network933, 850, 391, 132, 895, 298, 680, 1572, 538, 15731572Lampedusa35.501560890821, 12.603494784981Italy
- 4653Breaking IsolationOngoingAction Planning Network123, 468, 825, 1570, 1571, 1574, 1580, 1411, 1581, 1582468Isernia41.5943, 14.2308Italy
- 4649Cities After DarkOngoingAction Planning Network229, 943, 986, 571, 877, 650, 701, 407, 1569, 717407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 4648BiodiverCityOngoingAction Planning Network1425, 972, 955, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566, 542, 15671566SienaItaly
- 4646ARCHETHICSOngoingAction Planning Network281, 1554, 512, 399, 1555, 1556, 1557, 530, 1558281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 4637DIGI-INCLUSIONOngoingAction Planning Network606, 470, 137, 901, 1546, 458, 1547, 1548, 15491548Lepida ScpAItaly
- 4636C4TALENTOngoingAction Planning Network1540, 790, 149, 1541, 1542, 717, 772, 967, 1544, 15451542Alghero Foundation Museum Events Tourism ArtsItaly
- 4628Cities@HeartOngoingAction Planning Network593, 513, 421, 680, 1536, 1538, 1539, 281, 1607, 1417281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 4627Beyond the UrbanOngoingAction Planning Network1531, 808, 455, 1532, 1533, 879, 1534, 1535, 1410, 16361410TrevisoItaly
- 772URBinclusionClosedImplementation194, 303, 415, 512, 566, 637, 895, 911, 114114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 771CREATIVE SPIRITSClosedImplementation Network459, 484, 559, 562, 579, 747, 843, 917, 974747Ravenna44.417977, 12.201882Italy
- 772URBinclusionClosedImplementation194, 303, 415, 512, 566, 637, 895, 911, 114637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 770INT-HERITClosedImplementation131, 185, 262, 328, 367, 578, 683, 832, 892578Mantova45.156777, 10.788126Italy
- 766BoostInnoClosedAction Planning Network187, 194, 229, 399, 522, 599, 701, 862, 114, 979599Milan45.465422, 9.185924Italy
- 766BoostInnoClosedAction Planning Network187, 194, 229, 399, 522, 599, 701, 862, 114, 979114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 765Freight TAILSClosed242, 401, 519, 567, 702, 853, 866, 877, 921, 976702Parma44.801485, 10.327904Italy
- 764Gen-Y CityClosed223, 299, 320, 407, 421, 499, 515, 635, 731, 791, 902, 977407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 764Gen-Y CityClosed223, 299, 320, 407, 421, 499, 515, 635, 731, 791, 902, 977223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 763In FocusClosedAction Planning Network217, 41, 224, 246, 388, 427, 684, 718, 726, 114114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 762MAPS – Military Assets as Public SpacesClosedAction Planning Network272, 367, 501, 555, 715, 825, 876, 884, 942715Piacenza45.052621, 9.692984Italy
- 761ProcureClosed132, 142, 223, 267, 505, 511, 562, 631, 734, 738, 814223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 760TechTownClosedAction Planning Network198, 202, 282, 296, 333, 398, 542, 557, 668, 804, 834834Siracusa37.075552, 15.286845Italy
- 758CityCentreDoctorClosedAction Planning Network152, 443, 460, 587, 630, 659, 712, 744, 802, 935802San Donà di Piave45.630335, 12.566099Italy
- 757INTERACTIVE CITIESClosedAction Planning Network131, 297, 322, 407, 410, 628, 692, 823, 879, 943407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 757INTERACTIVE CITIESClosedAction Planning Network131, 297, 322, 407, 410, 628, 692, 823, 879, 943692Palermo38.115688, 13.361267Italy
- 755RetaiLinkClosed202, 221, 380, 447, 453, 463, 536, 706, 776, 829380Fermo43.158873, 13.720088Italy
- 754VITAL CITIESClosedAction Planning Network219, 251, 252, 255, 512, 539, 559, 767, 829, 932, 954767Rieti42.367441, 12.89751Italy
- 753CHANGE!Closed120, 152, 335, 352, 386, 399, 522, 632, 768386Forli44.22274, 12.040731Italy
- 752CityMobilNetClosedAction Planning Network126, 130, 216, 229, 256, 615, 692, 770, 839, 851, 986692Palermo38.115688, 13.361267Italy
- 751RESILIENT EUROPEClosedAction Planning Network163, 239, 255, 415, 467, 482, 574, 729, 783, 893, 948729Potenza40.418219, 15.876004Italy
- 749sub>urbanClosedAction Planning Network163, 187, 195, 241, 274, 341, 681, 844, 960274Casoria40.889321, 14.315193Italy
- 744BluActClosedTransfer Network255, 393, 580, 581, 682, 717, 800800Salerno40.67545, 14.79328Italy
- 743CARD4ALLClosedTransfer Network180, 296, 412, 476, 813, 866813Sassari40.7272, 8.5585Italy
- 741Civic eStateClosedTransfer Network158, 194, 399, 410, 458, 637, 737637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 740Com.Unity.LabClosedTransfer Network119, 196, 540, 60, 562, 684, 843, 891196Bari41.117143, 16.871872Italy
- 738Innovato-RClosedTransfer Network298, 593, 628, 726, 783, 114, 955114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 733RU:RBANClosedTransfer Network261, 307, 512, 560, 777, 893, 968777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 732RUMOURLESS CITIESClosedTransfer Network131, 151, 270, 442, 591, 973591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 730Playful ParadigmClosedTransfer Network306, 369, 482, 499, 523, 664, 916, 956916Udine46.071067, 13.234579Italy
- 727Volunteering CitiesClosedTransfer Network146, 147, 168, 176, 177, 269, 736, 744269Capizzi37.847975, 14.479448Italy
- 724Thriving StreetsClosedAction Planning Network702, 163, 348, 462, 499, 662, 678, 745, 811, 553702Parma44.801485, 10.327904Italy
- 720UrbSecurityClosedAction Planning Network531, 555, 569, 585, 598, 702, 707, 775, 871702Parma44.801485, 10.327904Italy
- 720UrbSecurityClosedAction Planning Network531, 555, 569, 585, 598, 702, 707, 775, 871775Romagna Faentina44.2229, 11.7717Italy
- 719URGEClosedAction Planning Network303, 421, 485, 621, 652, 671, 735, 768, 933735Prato43.87309, 11.08278Italy
- 718KAIRÓSClosedAction Planning Network205, 281, 448, 573, 619, 781, 829, 919281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 715Tourism Friendly CitiesClosedAction Planning Network229, 259, 331, 333, 335, 407, 512, 786, 951407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 715Tourism Friendly CitiesClosedAction Planning Network229, 259, 331, 333, 335, 407, 512, 786, 951951Venice45.440847, 12.315515Italy
- 708ActiveCitizensClosedAction Planning Network123, 221, 279, 325, 455, 796, 808, 880279Cento44.73099, 11.28716Italy
- 707SIBdevClosedAction Planning Network120, 187, 391, 443, 487, 723, 971, 989723Pordenone45.95689, 12.66051Italy
- 705Find your GreatnessClosedAction Planning Network117, 131, 230, 267, 542, 709, 971, 979709Perugia43.1122, 12.38878Italy
- 704Urb-En PactClosedAction Planning Network213, 290, 295, 347, 355, 393, 594, 693693Palma di Montechiaro37.19066, 13.76603Italy
- 691PLAYFUL PARADIGM IIClosedTransfer Network431, 463, 470, 561, 916916Udine46.071067, 13.234579Italy
- 693BeePathNet ReloadedClosedTransfer Network191, 209, 548, 680, 850209Bergamo45.69601, 9.66721Italy
- 696RU:RBAN Second WaveClosedTransfer Network137, 138, 271, 777, 853777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 697CO4CITIESOngoingInnovation Transfer Network251, 298, 399, 114114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 698Global Goals for CitiesOngoingAction Planning Network229, 233, 344, 398, 415, 448, 473, 499, 519, 577, 618, 689, 752, 816, 845, 877, 912, 949, 955752Reggio Emilia44.7, 10.63333Italy
- 699NEXT AGRIClosedInnovation Transfer Network143, 599, 856, 962599Milan45.465422, 9.185924Italy
- 700USE-ITClosedInnovation Transfer Network219, 731, 783, 907907Trapani38.020363, 12.533683Italy
- 703Zero Carbon CitiesClosedAction Planning Network221, 388, 576, 603, 879, 969, 986603Modena44.647129, 10.925227Italy
- 706DigiPlaceClosedAction Planning Network226, 591, 686, 725, 778, 796, 911, 952591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 709Health&GreenspaceClosedAction Planning Network115, 234, 371, 542, 591, 731, 809, 866, 879591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 712FOOD CORRIDORSClosedAction Planning Network131, 244, 523, 754, 873, 879, 923923Union of Bassa Romagna Municipalities44.4157, 12.1966Italy
- 713iPlaceClosedAction Planning Network152, 189, 392, 430, 443, 502, 587, 703, 724, 798430GrossetoItaly
- 714Cities4CSRClosedAction Planning Network233, 250, 435, 489, 599, 605, 636, 769, 843, 972599Milan45.465422, 9.185924Italy
- 717Healthy CitiesClosedAction Planning Network145, 164, 228, 378, 379, 559, 851, 703, 959378Falerna39.0034, 16.172Italy
- 726Welcoming International TalentClosedTransfer Network217, 322, 429, 535, 570, 702, 991702Parma44.801485, 10.327904Italy
- 728URBAN REGENERATION MIXClosedTransfer Network185, 219, 223, 229, 905, 987, 997223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 734Re-growCityClosedTransfer Network147, 148, 460, 462, 468, 577, 589, 667468Isernia41.5943, 14.2308Italy
- 735ONSTAGEClosedTransfer Network120, 122, 241, 428, 482, 518, 940122Adelfia41.0033, 16.87208Italy
- 739Come in!Closed386, 411, 718, 724, 917, 942, 973386Forli44.22274, 12.040731Italy
- 742C-CHANGEClosedTransfer Network128, 405, 576, 578, 829, 979578Mantova45.156777, 10.788126Italy
- 747ALT/BAUClosedTransfer Network288, 302, 768, 789, 824, 114, 965114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 746BeePathNetClosedTransfer Network115, 152, 257, 281, 548, 643281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 745BioCanteensClosedTransfer Network520, 617, 780, 901, 911, 913, 944780Rosignano Marittimo43.4056, 10.474Italy
- 748ACTive NGOsClosedTransfer Network237, 333, 371, 768, 809, 870870Syracuse37.075474, 15.286586Italy
- 5580CIA 7ClosedImplementation Network540, 334, 562, 673, 523, 196, 710, 827, 332196Bari41.117143, 16.871872Italy
- 5580CIA 7ClosedImplementation Network540, 334, 562, 673, 523, 196, 710, 827, 332710Pesaro43.912779, 12.914405Italy
- 5585ReGenerationClosedImplementation Network294, 560, 365, 803, 918, 212, 968365Ercolano40.805159, 14.355137Italy
- 5585ReGenerationClosedImplementation Network294, 560, 365, 803, 918, 212, 968803San Lazzaro di Savena44.46831, 11.414047Italy
- 5583JobTown 2ClosedImplementation Network894, 223, 548, 532, 131, 492, 631223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 7592nd ChanceClosedAction Planning Network242, 261, 288, 333, 407, 412, 547, 562, 579, 637, 726407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 7592nd ChanceClosedAction Planning Network242, 261, 288, 333, 407, 412, 547, 562, 579, 637, 726637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 767ARRIVAL CITIESClosedAction Planning Network151, 330, 591, 672, 704, 768, 778, 893, 934, 941591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 768AGRI-URBANClosedAction Planning Network185, 281, 391, 470, 520, 606, 608, 617, 712, 742, 842281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 5587Urban N.O.S.E.404, 127, 507, 176, 450, 237, 135, 981404Gela37.074153, 14.240354Italy
- 5586Sha.KeClosedAction Planning Network930, 759759Regione Puglia40.792839, 17.101193Italy
- 828Gastronomic CitiesClosed131, 256, 380, 509, 518380Fermo43.158873, 13.720088Italy
- 796NodusClosed131, 158, 327, 406, 420, 482, 757757Regione Emilia Romagna44.50063, 11.329049Italy
- 803Roma-NetClosed144, 223, 251, 415, 481, 510, 631, 900, 916916Udine46.071067, 13.234579Italy
- 782My GenerationClosed163, 196, 219, 399, 415, 419, 704, 768, 783, 896, 936, 973196Bari41.117143, 16.871872Italy
- 831TUTURClosed131, 235, 777777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 802OP-ACTClosed147, 160, 319, 345, 529, 532, 586, 631, 661, 768160Ancona43.61583, 13.518915Italy
- 791WEEDClosedAction Planning Network150, 156, 242, 278, 315, 362, 481, 588, 810, 921315Crotone39.080793, 17.12711Italy
- 819USEAct Urban Sustainable Environmental ActionsClosed187, 192, 248, 332, 637, 655, 768, 910, 963, 996637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 824Creative SpINClosed219, 223, 372, 508, 510, 609, 669, 783, 877223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 786NeT-TOPICClosed192, 436, 498, 518, 634, 792, 801, 826826Sesto San Giovanni45.532825, 9.225688Italy
- 793JOINING FORCESClosed241, 242, 255, 352, 383, 512, 540, 827383Florence43.771033, 11.248001Italy
- 832Healthy AgeingClosed237, 349, 499, 721, 916916Udine46.071067, 13.234579Italy
- 816Sustainable Food in Urban CommunitiesClosed154, 175, 239, 242, 419, 566, 591, 681, 687, 944591Messina38.18333, 15.55Italy
- 810CSI EuropeClosed160, 530, 540, 574, 576, 726, 731, 768, 827, 891160Ancona43.61583, 13.518915Italy
- 791WEEDClosedAction Planning Network150, 156, 242, 278, 315, 362, 481, 588, 810, 921362Enna37.565591, 14.275128Italy
- 806Active Travel NetworkClosedAction Planning Network424, 549, 658, 663, 766, 825, 835, 975663Novara45.44693, 8.622161Italy
- 826Roma-NeT IIClosed144, 223, 251, 415, 631, 900223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 777Building Healthy CommunitiesClosed153, 183, 187, 198, 206, 527, 537, 569, 114, 997114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 809REPAIRClosed182, 285, 383, 480, 484, 588, 645, 675, 698, 782, 893383Florence43.771033, 11.248001Italy
- 781CTURClosed139, 332, 581, 637, 765, 782, 910, 936, 943910Trieste45.649526, 13.776818Italy
- 778CityRegion.NetClosed169, 283, 318, 424, 492, 621, 678, 911, 994169Arezzo43.463284, 11.879634Italy
- 8224D CitiesClosed188, 352, 463, 471, 528, 663, 720, 879663Novara45.44693, 8.622161Italy
- 776Active A.G.EClosedAction Planning Network327, 349, 579, 734, 777, 827, 857, 893, 977777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 821Wood FootprintClosed451, 523, 527, 607, 690, 772, 859, 879, 958, 983859Sternatia40.224544, 18.225066Italy
- 797MILEClosed151, 503, 641, 783, 827, 895, 114, 941, 951114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 795HOPUSClosed323, 399, 777, 924, 929929University Of Reggio Calabria38.081323, 15.67899Italy
- 777Building Healthy CommunitiesClosed153, 183, 187, 198, 206, 527, 537, 569, 114, 997527Lecce40.351516, 18.175016Italy
- 815PREVENTClosed163, 276, 412, 621, 635, 843, 860, 877, 891, 932276Catania37.507877, 15.08303Italy
- 819USEAct Urban Sustainable Environmental ActionsClosed187, 192, 248, 332, 637, 655, 768, 910, 963, 996910Trieste45.649526, 13.776818Italy
- 790UNICClosed180, 275, 298, 323, 377, 543, 706, 827, 861377Faenza44.289853, 11.877409Italy
- 785FIN-URB-ACTClosed180, 210, 349, 393, 412, 416, 530, 545, 579, 761, 777777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 807CASHClosed236, 238, 346, 388, 533, 566, 847, 881, 933, 982238Brindisi40.632728, 17.941762Italy
- 820USERClosed303, 330, 426, 512, 60, 562, 571, 711, 768711Pescara42.46179, 14.21609Italy
- 814My Generation at WorkClosed163, 229, 399, 415, 579, 768, 783, 878, 893, 114, 936, 973114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 813JOBTOWNClosed180, 181, 281, 360, 417, 479, 492, 525, 631, 762, 894281Cesena44.139644, 12.246429Italy
- 812EUniverCitiesClosed180, 323, 410, 527, 544, 562, 570, 878, 943527Lecce40.351516, 18.175016Italy
- 780Creative ClustersClosed198, 277, 361, 452, 477, 602, 669, 752, 957277Catanzaro38.909792, 16.587652Italy
- 780Creative ClustersClosed198, 277, 361, 452, 477, 602, 669, 752, 957752Reggio Emilia44.7, 10.63333Italy
- 823CityLogoClosed120, 131, 299, 336, 407, 681, 933, 968, 973, 989407Genoa44.411111, 8.932778Italy
- 795HOPUSClosed323, 399, 777, 924, 929777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 787RegGovClosed334, 437, 654, 668, 788, 814, 842, 870870Syracuse37.075474, 15.286586Italy
- 818URBACT MarketsClosed179, 194, 332, 706, 866, 904, 114, 976, 979114Turin45.070312, 7.686857Italy
- 801LINKSClosed144, 161, 203, 232, 254, 323, 387, 389, 494, 953387Formigine44.607222, 10.933333Italy
- 774HeroClosed424, 547, 562, 637, 721, 750, 831, 939, 968637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 797MILEClosed151, 503, 641, 783, 827, 895, 114, 941, 951951Venice45.440847, 12.315515Italy
- 821Wood FootprintClosed451, 523, 527, 607, 690, 772, 859, 879, 958, 983527Lecce40.351516, 18.175016Italy
- 811ENTER.HUBClosed292, 314, 401, 413, 563, 679, 726, 738, 752, 782, 920, 997752Reggio Emilia44.7, 10.63333Italy
- 779CoNetClosed131, 165, 210, 242, 412, 547, 574, 692, 843, 945, 985692Palermo38.115688, 13.361267Italy
- 817RE-BlockClosed116, 251, 405, 458, 570, 571, 755, 777, 801, 842, 968777Rome41.872389, 12.48018Italy
- 801LINKSClosed144, 161, 203, 232, 254, 323, 387, 389, 494, 953254Budrio44.538854, 11.536048Italy
- 829Genius: OpenClosed804, 870, 877, 984870Syracuse37.075474, 15.286586Italy
- 781CTURClosed139, 332, 581, 637, 765, 782, 910, 936, 943637Naples40.851775, 14.268124Italy
- 780Creative ClustersClosed198, 277, 361, 452, 477, 602, 669, 752, 957957Viareggio43.865727, 10.25131Italy
- 803Roma-NetClosed144, 223, 251, 415, 481, 510, 631, 900, 916223Bologna44.494887, 11.342616Italy
- 792JESSICA 4 CitiesClosed232, 575, 576, 726, 731575Managing Authority Erdf Tuscany Region43.771051, 11.248621Italy
- 805TOGETHER for Territories of CoresponsibilityClosed225, 231, 311, 321, 485, 620, 708, 797708Pergine Valsugana46.06174, 11.23696Italy
- 5581Common SenseClosedAction Planning Network760, 758, 232, 741, 843, 739, 740758Regione Lazio41.843792, 12.352124Italy
- 5581Common SenseClosedAction Planning Network760, 758, 232, 741, 843, 739, 740760Regione Sicilia37.599994, 14.015356Italy
- 5579Bring UpClosedAction Planning Network197, 888, 464, 889, 850, 474, 174, 629, 666174Asti44.900751, 8.206426Italy