19/09/2022 19/09/2022
Propose new solutions and promote new policies for the sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing units in the European Union.

LEAD PARTNER : Echirolles - France- Brindisi - Italy
- Yambol - Bulgaria
- Tatabánya - Hungary
- Frankfurt - Germany
- Sonderborg - Denmark
- Utrecht - Netherlands
- Bridgend
- Les Mureaux - France
- Lyon - France
CASH is a network of 11 partners (10 cities and one region) led by Echirolles City. As a contribution to Climate Change issue, the network seeks to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and in buildings. It looks for new solutions to renovate social and affordable housing units, in order to improve their energy efficiency (EE) and to influence users’ behavior through citizens’ involvement.
Development phase (25.11.2009 - 18.07.2010) - Partners have exchanged on their diagnosis, experience and best practices on the subject, during a Peer review consisting in joint visits to each city and have elaborated with the Lead expert a baseline study.
Implementation phase (19.07.2010 – 19.01.2013) – Through the organization of 6 thematic seminars on renovation and EE and through the elaboration of local action plans with local support groups created for that purpose, partners will exchange and provide knowledge, experimental and technical know-how. Major outputs will be a global guideline on energy efficient renovation of social housing “Cities Advices for Sustainable Housing” dedicated to European cities and professionals (including technological, legal, financial, governance, management aspects) and a compendium of cities actions with pilot projects and actions in course and planned “Cities Actions for Sustainable Housing”.
Project launch
Project completed