06/04/2018 01/06/2021
BluAct is a Transfer network of 7 European port cities including Piraeus, Mataro, Ostend, Galati, Matosinhos, Burgas and Salerno aiming to share good practices in Blue Economy entrepreneurship. The project follows the success of Piraeus’ Blue Growth Initiative, an entrepreneurship competition that offers incubation services to local businesses boosting innovation and job creation. Through an approach of creating Urbact Local Support Groups and engaging local stakeholders and other interested parties, with the ultimate aim of starting up the blue economy, BluAct aims to deliver far reaching results in the respective partner cities.

LEAD PARTNER : Piraeus - Greece- Burgas - Bulgaria
- Galati - Romania
- Matosinhos - Portugal
- Mataro - Spain
- Ostend - Belgium
- Salerno - Italy
Municipality of Piraeus
Blue Economy Forum
BluAct Toolkit
BluAct: The Documentary
FEBRUARY / "Deep dive into the Piraeus BlueGrowth Initiative" meeting / Kick-off Phase 2 Piraeus, Greece 26-28 Feb 2019
AUGUST / 1st BluAct partners meeting Phase 1 / Piraeus, Greece 25-26 Aug 2018
MAY / "Preparing a Blue Economy Competition" meeting / Mataro, Spain 8-10 May 2019
SEPTEMBER / "Incubation of Blue Economy Startups" meeting / Ostend, Belgium 17-19 Sep 2019
JULY / "Blue Entrepreneurship Competition in a Flowchart" meeting / Galati, Romania 18 July 2019
SEPTEMBER / #SeaZone Blue Entrepreneurship Competition is launched! / Ostend, Belgium 9 Sep 2019
OCTOBER / Burgas Hackathon attracts 60 participants and generates 20 Blue Economy project ideas / Burgas, Bulgaria 15 Oct 2019
JULY / BluAct Salerno is up and running, the first Blue Entrepreneurship competition of BluAct is now reality! / Salerno, Italy 25 Jul 2019
DECEMBER / Salerno organized a successful Hackathon / Salerno, Italy 5-6 Dec 2019
JANUARY / Transnational BluAct Meeting about "Celebrating the success of a Blue Entrepreneurship competition" and Project Mid-term Review / Matosinhos Portugal 27-29 Jan 2020
OCTOBER / Danube Growth Initiative is launched! / Galati, Romania 15 Oct 2019
MARCH / BluAct Matosinhos Startup Demo Day / Matosinhos Portugal 2 Mar 2020
DECEMBER / Galati organized a successful Hackathon / Galati, Romania 20 Dec 2019
JUNE / "Covid can't stop us!" Partners decided that the upcoming Burgas TNM will be substituted by 5 webinars / online 4 June 2020
JUNE / Bluact Salerno Awards Demo Day - 10 winners / Salerno, Italy 5 June 2020
JUNE / Mataro Premis Bluact Awards Demo Day / Mataro, Spain 22 Jun 2020
JULY / The winners of Mataró BluAct Awards, started attending the incubation program at TecnoCampus / Mataro, Spain 3 Jul 2020
SEPTEMBER / Preparation Workshop at BlueLab / Piraeus, Greece, 4 Sep 2020
SEPTEMBER / Blue Growth Piraeus Demo Day - 50 participants - 1400 online viewers / Uni of Piraeus, Greece, 18 Sep 2020
NOVEMBER / Burgas BlueS Camp with 9 blue economy ideas prepared for the upcoming Demo Day / Burgas, Bulgaria 21 Nov 2020
MAY / Final Event / 27 and 28 May / HYBRID (online + 7 venues)
MAY / Ostend SeaZone Competition / Ostend, Belgium, 19 May 2021