CSI Europe

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


The aim of the JESSICA initiative is to support “sustainable investment in cities”. Through the implementation of the initiative, Urban Development Funds are emerging as potentially powerful tools to pursue sustainable urban transformation. CSI Europe will build upon the achievements to date to improve the effectiveness of current delivery and future potential.



The Network will focus on the involvement of cities in Urban Development Fund (UDF) structures and the way these instruments can be more effectively embedded in future city planning and governance. It will also strive to demonstrate the role that financial instruments can play in efficiently planning, progressing and administering urban development priorities, particularly in the context of the current economic and financial crisis.



Lead Partner Manchester
  • Ancona - Italy
  • Leipzig - Germany
  • Lille - France
  • Malmö - Sweden
  • Porto - Portugal
  • Poznań - Poland
  • Riga - Latvia
  • Seville - Spain
  • The Hague - Netherlands


Project launch

Project completed


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