Genius: Open

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


Our project will transfer a leading edge Open Innovation approach where citizens and businesses work together with the city, creating innovative solutions to city challenges via an online collaboration platform; GeniUS! 



In a time of unprecedented change for cities, with financial resources reducing rapidly, it is imperative we find new ways of operating. We must source ideas from outside the traditional city council structure and couple this with a different culture and working practice within the city council itself.

Our online collaboration platform enables exchange of ideas between residents, communities, companies and academics. This is coupled with a completely new style of collaborative event (“Synergy Surgery”), to provide a systematic solution for solving city challenges.



Lead Partner York
  • San Sebastián - Spain
  • Syracuse - Italy
  • Tallinn - Estonia


Project launch

Project completed

Learning loges

Transfer cities had ups and downs when understanding, adapting, re-using and even improving URBACT Good Practices. STAY TUNED TO CHECK ALL LEARNING LOGS, documents sharing the knowledge and lessons learnt al local level that will be AVAILABLE SOON.


  • News
    CZ 116 GP

    URBACT schválil 116 dobrých praxí! Prozkoumejte jejich aktualizovanou databázi!

    Projděte si nově aktualizovanou databázi příkladů dobré praxe URBACT a vyberte si ten správný nápad pro vaše město!

  • Articles

    How can we maximalise conditions to get the full potential of exchange and learning?

    Thinking about “evergreen” challenges at the mid-term of the BiodiverCity network 

    “Very enriching experience for our municipality”. “The significant guidance provided by the URBACT Secretariat is very