The roots of the city

01/09/2015 01/06/2018


Rethinking Agri-food production in small and medium-sized European cities is the aim of this Action Planning network. Agri-food production is a mature industry that continues to play an important role in terms of GDP, employment and environmental sustainability. That is why new growth potentials must be activated by means of innovation, new business models and strategies. Our vision is to place cities at the core of a growing global movement that recognises the current complexity of food systems and the links between rural cities and nearby cities as a way to ensure regional development.


AGRI-URBAN Action Planning Network logo


  • Baena - Spain
  • Cesena - Italy
  • Fundão - Portugal
  • Jelgava - Latvia
  • LAG Pays des Condruses - Belgium
  • Mollet del Vallès - Spain
  • Monmouthshire County Council
  • Mouans-Sartoux - France
  • Petrinja - Croatia
  • Pyli - Greece
  • Södertälje - Sweden


  • Kick-off meeting in June (Mollet des Valles).
  • Transnational meetings in October (LAG Payd de Condruses) and December (Pyli).
  • Transnational meetings in April (Sodertalye), June (Fundao), July (Jelgava) and September (Abergavenny).
  • Transnational meetings in March (Mouans Sartoux) and April (Petrinja). Final event in April (Baena).


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Get in touch


City of Baena
Plaza de la Constitución 1
14850 Baena (Córdoba) 

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