URBACT GenProcure at the Procura+ conference

Edited on 31/05/2024

URBACT GenProcure present at the Procura+ conference


URBACT GenProcure at the Procura+ conference


The GenProcure Network is in the process of developing Integrated Action Plans for each of the nine partner cities. Gender Responsive Public Procurement is a strategic approach that aims to create synergies between two seemingly disparate worlds: gender equality and public procurement. The GenProcure network seeks to promote specific training, awareness-raising actions, and public procurement processes that include social criteria, most notably around addressing inequality. The network aims to change the culture surrounding these two topics.



The Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, as the Lead Partner, is scheduled to present the GenProcure project at the Procura+ Conference in Lisbon, Portugal on 13th and 14th  March 2024. This event, which is being organised by ICLEI Europe in partnership with the Municipality of Lisbon, seeks to highlight good practices and approaches for strategic procurement across various thematic areas and key product and service sectors, including biodiversity, buildings, construction, energy, food and catering, ICT, mobility, and textiles.

The GenProcure network will be part of the "Breakthrough Approaches and Case Studies" panel and will be presented under the theme "Using Public Procurement to Address Inequality" by the Network's Lead Expert, Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson and the Public Procurement specialist from the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, Sara Barroso. With this presence, the GenProcure network intends to publicise the thematic focus of the Network, disseminate the URBACT method, and detail how other cities can embed gender considerations in Public Procurement. . It aims to foster disruptive thinking around Public Procurement, highlighting its important weight in the volume of purchases of a public entity and the social function always present in the management of public money.

It also aims to promote URBACT as being at the forefront of practical activities around Strategic Procurement in Europe.


Procura+: GenProcure speakers


For more information, visit https://conference.procuraplus.org/




Submitted by Edgar Azevedo on 08/03/2024
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Edgar Azevedo

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