URBACT news, opportunities and more!

Edited on 22/05/2023



Some miscellaneous news and opportunities on all things urban!


With the URBACT IV Programme's first call for Action Planning Networks closing on March 31st, we await news on those networks chosen for funding! News on this will be communicated following the Programme Monitoring Committee meeting at the end of May. The new networks will formally begin on June 1st!

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Job vacancies at the URBACT Secretariat: after some recent personnel and organisational changes, URBACT is currently recruiting for seven positions. Apply by May 28th.

Events Officer

Contract and Finance Officer

Senior Finance and Audit Officer

Programme Management Officer

Project Officer

Strategic Programme Development Lead Officer

Head of Unit - Networks and Capacity-Building

You can find out more here

URBACT is also looking for service providers in the areas of editorial and digital support. The deadline is 6th June 12.00 CEST. See more here.

Keep up with the digital transition in cities: this self-paced Moodle course aims to build the capacities of city-practitioners and policy-makers to understand the main concepts and challenges associated with digital transitions in policy areas such as environment, government or economy.

Discover the URBACT IV experts: The first batch of URBACT IV validated experts available to support URBACT networks and activities is now online! Find out who they are or apply to become an expert here. The call remains open through to 2027. For those within Ireland interested in applying, feel free to reach out anytime to Karl for a chat at kmurphy@emra.ie

The European Urban Initiative has opened calls for its capacity-building opportunities. Read more about the recent call and related events here!

Submitted by Karl Murphy on 22/05/2023
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Karl Murphy

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