Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • SamenMakenWeHeerlen – TogetherWeMake-Heerlen- SSA

    Municipality of Heerlen drew up the Bid Book 'Urban Heerlen' in 2016. This bid book describes how Heerlen wants to develop its centre around 5 themes with 25 different ambitions. The bid book received great appreciation at the time. Many ambitions have since been realised.

    Sonia Files

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  • SamenMakenWeHeerlen – TogetherWeMake-Heerlen- SSA

    Municipality of Heerlen drew up the Bid Book 'Urban Heerlen' in 2016. This bid book describes how Heerlen wants to develop its centre around 5 themes with 25 different ambitions. The bid book received great appreciation at the time. Many ambitions have since been realised.

    Sonia Files

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  • SamenMakenWeHeerlen – TogetherWeMake-Heerlen- SSA

    Municipality of Heerlen drew up the Bid Book 'Urban Heerlen' in 2016. This bid book describes how Heerlen wants to develop its centre around 5 themes with 25 different ambitions. The bid book received great appreciation at the time. Many ambitions have since been realised.

    Sonia Files

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  • Updates from the Small Scale Actions of the Tourism-friendly Cities URBACT network

    This last period has shown the importance of our network even more than before, as the tourism sector has been one of the most damaged sector by the pandemic.

    Now cities have the possibility to contribute to a real change becoming more able to attract tourists and to manage the effects of the tourist flows preserving at the same time the local identity and fostering a balance between the need of the visitors and the ones of the residents and the administrations. A real sustainable tourism can be part of the solution and a response to the needs of recovery that all the cities in the world, from the biggest to the smallest, are seeking to restart.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Updates from the Small Scale Actions of the Tourism-friendly Cities URBACT network

    This last period has shown the importance of our network even more than before, as the tourism sector has been one of the most damaged sector by the pandemic.

    Now cities have the possibility to contribute to a real change becoming more able to attract tourists and to manage the effects of the tourist flows preserving at the same time the local identity and fostering a balance between the need of the visitors and the ones of the residents and the administrations. A real sustainable tourism can be part of the solution and a response to the needs of recovery that all the cities in the world, from the biggest to the smallest, are seeking to restart.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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  • Updates from the Small Scale Actions of the Tourism-friendly Cities URBACT network

    This last period has shown the importance of our network even more than before, as the tourism sector has been one of the most damaged sector by the pandemic.

    Now cities have the possibility to contribute to a real change becoming more able to attract tourists and to manage the effects of the tourist flows preserving at the same time the local identity and fostering a balance between the need of the visitors and the ones of the residents and the administrations. A real sustainable tourism can be part of the solution and a response to the needs of recovery that all the cities in the world, from the biggest to the smallest, are seeking to restart.

    Sabrina Bruzzone

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