URBACT skaber forandring og gør byer bedre

Siden 2002 har URBACT skabt forandring over hele Europa ved at muliggøre samarbejde og idéudveksling mellem byer inden for tematiske netværk.

URBACT har bistået i opbygning af færdigheder hos lokale interessenter i byerne, og har opsamlet og delt viden om god bypraksis.

URBACT er finansieret af den europæiske regionalfond og fremmer udviklingen ved at støtte byer med at implementere bypolitiske tiltag og bakke op om den positive forandring.

URBACT finansierer ikke infrastrukturinvesteringer, men arbejder hovedsagelig på at forbedre arbejdsmetoderne for at løse bymæssige udfordringer ved hjælp af bløde tiltag. 


Hvis du/I vil vide mere om URBACT generelt, de igangværende og/eller kommende ansøgningsrunder, kan du/I kontakte Danmarks nationale URBACT-kontaktpunkter (NUPs) i Erhvervsstyrelsen:

Mette Hviid Hoff Jakobsen, MetJak@erst.dk, tlf.nr.: 35291701

Stine Hildebrandt Vendelboe, StiVen@erst.dk, tlf.nr.: 35291759




URBACT har traditionelt et tæt samarbejde med The European Urban Initiative (EUI), der også arbejder for at fremme bæredygtig byudvikling.  

EUI muliggør 3 former for aktiviteter: 

  • Innovative handlinger 

  • Kapacitetsopbygning 

  • Vidensopbygning og kommunikation 

I Danmark er det Plan- og Landdistriktsstyrelsen, som er det nationale kontaktpunkt for European Urban Initiative.


Læs nærmere om EUI på deres hjemmeside og følg deres LinkedIn side 

National URBACT Point - Denmark

Nyheder og events

  • Article Øystein Leonardsen

    ”Det handler om at gøre byen og borgerne aktive i den grønne omstilling”

    URBACT er et fælleseuropæisk projekt, der har som formål at styrke samarbejdet mellem europæiske byer for at accelerere en bæredygtig byudvikling. Siden 2002 har URBACT, som et særligt program i EU-regi, stillet rammer til rådighed for byerne til netværkssamarbejde lokalt og globalt. 

    Henrik Christensen

    See more
  • Information about URBACT City Festival 2025 in Wroclaw

    Kom og vær med i den største URBACT event i 2025

    URBACT City Festival vil blive afholdt i Wroclaw i Polen og vil finde sted over tre dage - fra 8. til 10. april 2025.

    På dette højt profilerede URBACT arrangement vil I få mulighed for at få præsenteret en lang række (URBACT Good Practices) om forskellige emner på forskellige niveauer, som byer i hele Europa har gennemført. 

    Henrik Christensen

    See more
  • A cropped shot of protestors with Ukrainian blue and yellow ribbons and flags protesting against war in Ukraine in street

    Ukraines byer får nu også plads i URBACT

    Tre år efter den russiske invasion kommer URBACT-programmet til Ukraine. Vi er på vej ind i endnu et år præget af Ruslands invasion, og ukrainske byer er stadig i høj grad involverede i den væbnede konflikt med alt hvad dertil hører af efterskælv og forstyrrelse af dagligdagen.

    Henrik Christensen

    See more

Good Practices and Networks

  • Future STEAM Cities

    Future STEAM Cities network focuses on transferring innovative practices developed during Aveiro STEAM City, funded by Urban Innovative Actions. The network's

  • Climate taskforce

    Transversal governance model empowering citizens for local green transition

  • NextGen YouthWork

    NextGen YouthWork aims to develop further and improve online youth work through innovative digital solutions at the city level. By this, the network works

  • COPE

    A green and just transition in cities is key to achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050. The COPE (Coherent Place-based Climate Action) network will

  • Breaking Isolation

    The "Breaking Isolation" Network, composed with 10 European cities, aims to address the rising issue of social isolation.

    The project seeks to strengthen

  • Agents of Co-Existence

    The main objective of the Agents of Co-Existence Network is to foster innovative approaches to societal challenges and strive for inclusive local policies with

  • URBinclusion

    Socioeconomic disparities and other forms of inequalities are a major issue in European cities which are threatened by social polarisation increase. Poverty

  • TechTown

    By exploring how small and medium sized cities can maximise the job creation potential of the digital economy, this Action Planning network examined whether


    In times when personal sacrifices are much needed to tackle burning societal issues, fostering and enabling collaboration at local level of public

    Becoming more resilient means that a city strives to enhance its ability to bounce back and grow even stronger and better in the face of the chronic stresses

  • Com.Unity.Lab

    This Transfer network aims to replicate the Lisbon Local Development Strategy for areas of Priority Intervention which provides the city a range of integrated

  • URGE

    URGE, an abbreviation for 'circular building cities' is an Action Planning network on circular economy in the construction sector - a major consumer of raw

  • ROOF

    To end homelessness through innovative housing solutions at city level is the main driver from the Action Planning network. It is not about managing

  • SIBdev

    The goal of this Action Planning Network was to explore how social impact bonds can be used to improve public service delivery in areas such as employment

  • Long-term unemployed take the lead

    An experiment challenging traditional welfare system and empowering long-term unemployed in their efforts to find or create a job

  • Culture as the intermediary

    By using empty buildings and culture as an intermediary, solutions to complex challenges are co-created between the citizens and the municipality.

  • Holistic method for urban regeneration

    A clear vision and a participatory approach are more important than a masterplan for urban regeneration.

  • Active Travel Network

    The basic goal of the project is to set up a network of international partners to encourage Active Travel in cities as appropriate means of transport for short

  • CASH

    Propose new solutions and promote new policies for the sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing units in the European Union.

  • CityLogo

    CityLogo is a transnational learning experience on citybranding and -marketing in modern urban politics. It is about a better positioning of cities in the (post