Esta página web tiene como objetivo compartir información en español sobre noticias, convocatorias, eventos y artículos relacionados con el programa URBACT. Para conocer mejor a nuestro equipo, pincha aquí.

Ya han salido los resultados de la convocatoria de URBACT Good Practices, consulta aquí las ciudades premiadas

Próximos eventos:

  • 8 y el 10 de abril del 2025: el URBACT City Festival, en Worclaw (Polonia)  


Además, os invitamos a buscar los eventos que se celebren en vuestro país aquí y a informaros sobre cómo participar en URBACT aquí (enlace en inglés). Para cualquier consulta en español, el contacto del Punto Nacional URBACT España es: y

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Últimas noticias de URBACT España

  • NUP ESPAÑA viaja al URBACT City Festival

    Estamos encantadas de anunciaros que NUP España viajará hasta Wroclaw (Polonia) para asistir al URBACT City Festival del 8 al 10 de abril y acompañar a nuestras 16 Buenas Prácticas españolas seleccionadas en la Convocatoria #GoodPractices de URBACT.


    EL URBACT City Festival es una celebración de las ciudades y las prácticas urbanas que dan forma a nuestras comunidades urbanas. Este evento emblemático de URBACT reúne a cientos de entusiastas urbanos de toda Europa para compartir conocimientos, aprender sobre tendencias urbanas, establecer contactos y aunar fuerzas en sesiones creativas sobre cómo mejorar nuestras ciudades.

    (Encontraréis aquí la presentación del evento:




    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • 7 enfoques innovadores para redefinir y mejorar la participación de los jóvenes en las ciudades europeas

    L@s niñ@s están bien: 7 buenas prácticas para el desarrollo urbano dirigidas a jóvenes

    Aunque el compromiso de los jóvenes es un valor europeo, se puede hacer más para eliminar las barreras que les impiden acceder a los espacios públicos y participar en los procesos democráticos y cívicos. Este artículo explora siete prácticas notables para repensar y potenciar la participación juvenil en las ciudades europeas. Estas prácticas han sido revisadas por expertos y seleccionadas para formar parte de las 116 nuevas Buenas Prácticas URBACT.  

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Establecer la conexión: 8 buenas prácticas URBACT para una movilidad sostenible

    Este artículo destaca ocho inspiradoras soluciones de movilidad urbana. Son un segmento de las 116 Buenas Prácticas URBACT recientemente seleccionadas. A finales de 2024, se invitó a las ciudades y regiones europeas a presentar sus soluciones de desarrollo sostenible en el marco de una convocatoria abierta. Todas las Buenas Prácticas URBACT han sido seleccionadas sobre la base de una evaluación experta de cada práctica: su impacto local, grado de participación e integralidad, así como su potencial transferencia a otras ciudades europeas.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Los premios MIA del Ayuntamiento de Viladecans. Una práctica para promover la innovación dentro del trabajo municipal

    El Ayuntamiento de Viladecans, con el apoyo del Modelo de Innovación del Ayuntamiento (MIA), organiza la tercera edición de los Premios MIA a las mejores Prácticas Innovadoras. Este premio busca identificar, reconocer, y dar visibilidad en las actuaciones más innovadoras dentro de la organización (Ayuntamiento y empresas municipales) que contribuyen significativamente a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, a la Agenda Urbana Local, a la Estrategia Viladecans 2030, y al desarrollo del modelo MIA.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • 16 buenas prácticas españolas premiadas de 116 URBACT Good Practices 2024

    Las ciudades de  Barcelona (2), Caldes de Montbui, Cartagena, Esplugues de Llobregat, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Gátova, Igualada, Murcia, Onda, Tavernes de Valldigna, Viladecans (2) y Zaragoza, así como el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona han resultado elegidas por su capacidad de impacto, participación ciudadana, integralidad, relevancia y facilidad de transferencia a otras ciudades europeas 




    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Los socios de la red DIGI-INCLUSION firman una Declaración Política de derechos digitales en Iasi, Rumanía

    El pasado 24 de septiembre los miembros de la red DIGI-INCLUSION firmaron una Declaración Política sobre Derechos Digitales y la Inclusión Digital en sus Territorios
    El objetivo de la declaración es reducir la brecha digital que repercute en las desigualdades sociales y económicas. Las 9 ciudades que forman parte de la red DIGI-INCLUSION trabajan para alcanzar comunidades digitales inclusivas donde los ciudadanos tengan acceso al mundo digital, oportunidades de aprender a utilizarlo y sobre todo empoderamiento y autonomía para participar democráticamente.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

    See more


Próximos eventos URBACT


Accede a nuestros boletines anteriores

Cada mes publicamos información referente a la actividades del Programa URBACT, especialmente las relacionadas con nuestro país acompañadas de eventos, convocatorias y documentos de interés vinculados con el desarrollo urbano sostenible. Durante el tiempode andadura desde que el GIAU+S se hizo cargo del NUP, hemos publicado los siguientes boletines que podéis revisitar aquí:


Año 2025

Año 2024

Año 2023




Good Practices and Networks

  • REinventing Culture in Urban Places

    Funded by URBACT, REinventing Culture in Urban Places (RECUP) harnesses culture and creativity to strengthen urban and peri-urban communities. Inspired by

  • Hydro-Heritage Cities

    Hydro-Heritage Cities network that collaborates on adapting the know-how of the Urban Innovative Actions project Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. in diverse local contexts

  • EmPowerIngUs

    EmPowerIngUs represents a significant stride in urban innovation and social inclusion by advanced data analysis and technical fieldwork, facilitating not only

  • DARING Cities

    The network connects seven DARING cities committed to unlock the potential of transitional neighbourhoods and cities. Building on Ravenna’s experience in the

  • 2Nite

    2Nite network aims to transfer the multidisciplinary and inclusive approach of the Urban Innovative Actions project ToNite to the topic of urban security during


    WISH CITIES network aims to create a strategic framework for the well-being of adolescents, structured around three key pillars: the development of youth


    CITISENSE is an Innovation Transfer Network led by the Municipality of Piraeus, dedicated to enhancing urban security through innovative approaches. Building on

  • Cities 4 Co-Housing

    Cities 4 Co-Housing is an URBACT Innovation Transfer Network dedicated to sharing good practices on providing long-term affordability in housing, inspired by

  • Cultural Reactives

    Revitalising the creative sector with a production-based cultural model 

  • Local youth as agents of culture

    Promoting books through youth engagement policies 

  • Living Together Board

    Non-profit body promoting coexistence and tolerance through participatory approach

  • Sustainability Master Plan

    Promoting environmental regeneration and sustainable mobility 

  • Local Energy Community

    Promoting energy transition with citizens' involvement 

  • Stars Zaragoza Project for Active Mobility

    Promoting sustainable, active and autonomous mobility among primary and secondary school students

  • New Opportunities School 

    Educational equity and equal opportunities for young people at risk  

  • Reducing the gender gap in STEAM

    Promoting women and girls’ digital skills and interest in technology through the project +Dones³: Science, Talent and Technology

  • Participatory transformation of abandoned areas

    Converting underutilised spaces into sustainable, biodiverse areas for sports and wellbeing 

  • Study for urban model revision

    Improving integration and resilience in peripheral mass housing estates 

  • Green Commerce Markets for Sustainable Urban Food Systems

    Supporting green transition at city markets and among food retailers 

  • Co-Carbon Tree Measurement

    Highlighting urban trees' role in carbon capture and climate neutrality 

  • The Path of the Senses

    Unique trail with four ecosystems offering coastal sustainability education 

  • Làbora innovative employability programme

    Improving employability for people in vulnerable situations 

  • Repurposing heritage for citizens

    Transforming an old ceramics factory into a cultural and leisure hub 

  • Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit

    Developing data-driven social policies tackling energy poverty 

  • Remote-IT

    Remote-IT network tackles the new challenges cities are experiencing connected to the future of work. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation

  • Re-Gen

    Re-Gen is a European network of cities that aims to support sustainable urban development and social inclusion thanks to the protagonism of secondary school

  • Residents of the future

    Residents of the future wants to address the issue of urban depopulation within small and medium-sized cities. By focusing on digital transformation, economic

  • PUMA

    Through the development of integrated mobility action plans, PUMA aims to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable mobility in small and medium sized cities


    SCHOOLHOODS puts children’s health and safety on the menu of how to get to school. The cities of this URBACT network work with pupils, parents and teachers to

  • One Health 4 Cities

    The One Health 4 Cities network aims to promote the integration of the One Health approach into urban strategies and projects. It intends to develop tools that

  • NextGen YouthWork

    NextGen YouthWork aims to develop further and improve online youth work through innovative digital solutions at the city level. By this, the network works

  • In4Green

    In4Green is a collaborative network of industrial cities from across Europe with a shared commitment: to lead transformative change within European industry and

  • GreenPlace

    GreenPlace is an URBACT network consisting of ten partners who aim at developing a set of activities for "recycling" unused urban areas, using social

  • GenProcure

    GenProcure will address the gender equality in public procurement, many times referred to as Gender-Responsive Public Procurement. It consists of promoting

  • Cities for Sustainability Governance

    Cities are urged to set ambitious ecological goals for climate and biodiversity while managing social and economic sustainability. No European city has yet

  • COPE

    A green and just transition in cities is key to achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050. The COPE (Coherent Place-based Climate Action) network will

  • TechDiversity

    TechDiversity is an URBACT network of eight partners representing small and medium-sized European cities, that aim to boost and facilitate diverse local

  • U.R. Impact

    U.R. Impact focuses on addressing a key policy challenge: to develop effective strategies for empowering local communities during processes of urban


    In order to build more inclusive and resilient societies, local authorities need to ensure that migrant reception and support policies guarantee that migrants

  • Breaking Isolation

    The "Breaking Isolation" Network, composed with 10 European cities, aims to address the rising issue of social isolation.

    The project seeks to strengthen

  • Cities After Dark

    Life in cities continues even after dark. The 'Night Economy' is made up of activities that are essential for a city to function 24 hours a day and play a

  • BiodiverCity

    In ten European cities URBACT Local Groups will work out community-based approaches to valorise, measure and account biodiversity and related ecosystem services

  • EcoCore

    EcoCore focuses on accelerating the green transition in the industrial areas of partner cities. It aims to build the capacity of small cities in addressing


    ARCHETHICS network brings together nine European cities that share the presence of heritage linked to a complex and controversial historical past (totalitarian


    LET‘S GO CIRCULAR! network is paving the way for a sustainable, just and productive transition of cities towards a functioning Circular Economy. It addresses


    DIGI-INCLUSION network aims to tackle social exclusion and boost digital inclusion not only by granting access to technology but by enabling people to develop

  • Cities@Heart

    Cities@Heart brings together ten European urban areas with diverse profiles but with one common goal: achieving a balanced and inclusive city centre for all

  • Beyond the Urban

    The Beyond the Urban network brings together ten European municipalities and regions that will collaborate with the aim of improving urban-rural mobility

  • Agents of Co-Existence

    The main objective of the Agents of Co-Existence Network is to foster innovative approaches to societal challenges and strive for inclusive local policies with

  • Resourceful Cities

    RESOURCEFUL CITIES is an URBACT Action Planning Network of ten European cities. This project seeks to develop the next generation of urban resource centres, so

  • AS-Fabrik

    Bilbao Alliance for smart specialisation in advanced services towards the digital transformation of the industry

  • URBinclusion

    Socioeconomic disparities and other forms of inequalities are a major issue in European cities which are threatened by social polarisation increase. Poverty


    The partner cities from this Implementation network have a common need to improve the implementation of their existing integrated urban strategies and action


    The INT-HERIT implementation network brings together 9 European cities facing challenges related to the revitalisation of their cultural heritage. These cities

  • Stay Tuned

    European cities face higher levels of Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) than their national averages, meaning that some urban areas have more

  • BoostInno

    The work developed by the cities of this Action Planning network has proven that social innovation is not just a trend, but it could also be qualified as a

  • Gen-Y City

    Over the last decades, younger people have increasingly chosen to live in urban areas, whilst the share of older residents in cities has generally fallen

  • In Focus

    By mobilising a significant number of stakeholders, this Action Planning network had the mission to rethink the stakeholders’ agendas on business-led economic

  • MAPS – Military Assets as Public Spaces

    The Action Planning network MAPS (Military Assets as Public Spaces) was focused on enhancing former military heritage as key elements for sustainable urban

  • Procure

    The goal of this Action Planning network was to explore how to harness the spending power through procurement of public and anchor institutions in the partner

  • TechTown

    By exploring how small and medium sized cities can maximise the job creation potential of the digital economy, this Action Planning network examined whether

  • CityCentreDoctor

    The cities of this Action Planning network were challenged to identify the urban issues relate to their city centre, analyse perceptions and reality of those


    This Action Planning network explored how digital, social media and user generated content can improve today’s urban management in European cities, whatever

  • RetaiLink

    This Action Planning network created strategic plans to enhance the competitiveness of small and/or independent retail businesses, considering them a key

  • CityMobilNet

    Cities that suffer from congestion, emission loads, social exclusion and, lastly decrease of the quality of life, have gathered in this Action Planning network

  • SmartImpact

    The focus of this Action Planning network was less about technology solutions per se, but more about governance structures, process and business models. The

  • sub>urban

    The cities from this network searched for a solution to the following challenge: how can we make existing 20th century urban tissue attractive and qualitative

  • BluAct

    BluAct is a Transfer network of 7 European port cities including Piraeus, Mataro, Ostend, Galati, Matosinhos, Burgas and Salerno aiming to share good practices

  • Civic eState

    The Civic eState network worked on new models of urban co-governance based on the commons. Two years of EU cooperation for promoting urban co-governance and


    This Transfer network builds upon the "Management model of Urban gardens in Rome" Good Practice, in order to transfer to EU cities geographically distant from

  • Playful Paradigm

    Cities offer unique opportunities for addressing the challenges of urbanization, ageing, climate change, social exclusion, only if enabling, enjoyable places

  • Volunteering Cities

    This Transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational

  • Genderedlandscape


    Gender equality is a fundamental goal of EU policy. Unfortunately, many urban policies, services, and physical developments still do not take gender into

  • UrbSecurity

    This Action Planning Network analyses strategies and projective concepts of cities’ design that could contribute to prevent segregation and anti-social behavior

  • URGE

    URGE, an abbreviation for 'circular building cities' is an Action Planning network on circular economy in the construction sector - a major consumer of raw

  • Tourism Friendly Cities

    TOURISM-FRIENDLY CITIES is an Action Planning Network aimed at exploring how tourism can be made sustainable in medium-sized cities, reducing the negative

  • Space4People

    Space4People dealt with public space use in its cities and worked with its main use function: transport. Our focus was on walkability, quality of stay, mix of

  • RiConnect

    RiConnect is an Action Planning Network of 8 metropolises which aim is to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructures in order to reconnect people

  • SIBdev

    The goal of this Action Planning Network was to explore how social impact bonds can be used to improve public service delivery in areas such as employment

  • Find your Greatness

    Find your Greatness is a concept that reflects the most challenges addressed by AIM together with other EU local communities. Why Find your Greatness? Because

  • Vilawatt

    Innovative local public-private-citizen partnership for energy governance


    Bilbao Alliance for smart specialisation in advanced services towards the digital transformation of the industry


    Combining guaranteed minimum income and active social policies in deprived urban areas


    Playful Paradigm increases the capabilities of cities to answer global challenges including those emerged during covid19. It promotes inclusion

  • BioCanteens#2

    BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network is about ensuring the distribution of sustainable school meals in participating cities as a key lever towards the development of

  • RU:RBAN Second Wave

    RU:RBAN's Good Practice is the Management model of Urban gardens in Rome to be transferred to newcomer cities that are geographically, historically and socio

  • Sparking new blue business in a coastal city

    The up and rise of the Blue Growth Entrepreneurship Competition

  • Connecting owners of empty properties with private investors

    Revitalising decaying historic apartment buildings by connecting owners, investors/users and public authorities

  • Global Goals for Cities

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call of


    The VILAWATT Transfer Mechanism pilot boosts the energy transition process by setting up a public-private-citizen partnership, where citizens and main social


    The AS Fabrik Transfer Mechanism pilot seeks to share the experience of Bilbao in the AS FABRIK Urban Innovative Actions project  with other European cities

  • DigiPlace

    Digi Place is an Action Planning Network that aims to set up an acceleration mechanism to enable cities to catch up the digitalisation opportunities in hard &

  • Health&Greenspace

    How can we improve urban green spaces in order to promote mental and physical health for our communities? Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network links green

  • iPlace

    iPlace is a journey where the partner cities are fellow travellers who are always seeking to find niches appropriate for their cities, while deepening their

  • Cities4CSR

    The project’s main aim is to unlock opportunities in order to improve our cities. The Action Planning Network of CITIES4CSR has identified in Corporate Social

  • Healthy Cities

    This Action Planning network aims to deepen the relationship between health and the urban environment, planning actions that focus on improving the population’s

  • Re-growCity

    Re-growCity Transfer network focuses on the development of interventions that built on local capabilities to arrest and reverse long term social, economic and


    Local Governments are leverages of educational innovation. We are aware of the opportunities & the needs in the city, we have a privileged knowledge of the


    The ALT/BAU Transfer Network focuses on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing

  • ACTive NGOs

    This Transfer network learned from the good practice of the Riga NGO House, which was opened in 2013, in line with the wishes of residents and civil society

  • City management plan for diversity

    A step-by-step approach for reducing disparities

  • Building an age-friendly city

    The story of how to implement an age-friendly urban strategy to promote citizens' health, inclusion and wellbeing at all stages of life.

  • Integrated and participative urban regeneration

    Integrated approach to urban regeneration of a disadvantaged district through a citizen participation process and three strategic intercorrelated pathways.

  • On Board with Education Innovation Network (EIN)

    Partnering for innovating in education

  • On Stage! Music and arts for social change

    The sound of education: how music and performing art can bolster social inclusion

  • From empty housing to social inclusion

    25 years of housing rehabilitation for social purposes

  • Arts District

    The conversion of a central decaying area into an innovative district

  • Urban evolution towards resilience

    The successful story of a city's transformation strategy

  • Intermediation service for people in the process of evictions and occupancies

    Urgent, coordinated support for people at risk of becoming homeless

  • School of collaboration: La Colaboradora

    A peer-to-peer co-working space fuelled by shared talent

  • Local group on immigration

    Coordinating local work for immigrants' social inclusion

  • Social clauses in public procurement procedures

    Including social criteria in public recruitment procedures to help disadvantaged people access the labour market in Avilés

  • Inclusive entrepreneurship model

    Lowering barriers to make entrepreneurship an option for everyone

  • Children's council and public youth audience

    Encouraging young citizens' participation at local level

  • Citizen card

    Providing access to city services and resources while improving citizen participation

  • Tropa Verde, rewarding recycling!

    Boosting environmental responsibility through gaming and rewarding

  • The profile of the city

    Measuring quality of life and sustainability of medium-sized cities

  • Urban Green Labs

    Promoting citizens engagement in upgrading urban green spaces

  • 2nd Chance

    The challenge of this Action Planning network is the activation of vacant buildings and building complexes for a sustainable urban development by self-organised


    In September 2015, at what was the height of migration flows witnessed in the Europe since the Second World War, this Action Planning network began its


    Rethinking Agri-food production in small and medium-sized European cities is the aim of this Action Planning network. Agri-food production is a mature industry

  • Urban N.O.S.E.

    Towards an urban economic system of Social Incubators


    Explores how demand-led workforce development strategies can be used as instruments of sustainable economic recovery in medium sized cities


    A European Network of Local Partnerships for the Advancement of Youth Employment and Opportunity

  • Genius: Open

    Our project will transfer a leading edge Open Innovation approach where citizens and businesses work together with the city, creating innovative solutions to

  • Gastronomic Cities

    Five cities working together to promote gastronomy as a key urban development.

  • RUnUP

    Developing “triple helix” structures in which municipalities, university and businesses shared a common vision and ambition.

  • WEED

    Identifying and developing integrated local actions that improve women’s situation in employment, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy are key to this


    FIN-URB-ACT strives for more efficient local support structures for SMEs' development and innovative economies. The rationale is that such structures on local

  • Active A.G.E

    Develop an exchange of experience between 9 cities facing an ageing population - in order to develop greater professional capacity and thus identify and develop
  • Building Healthy Communities

    Health is important for the wellbeing of individuals and society, but a healthy population is also a prerequisite for economic productivity and prosperity. The
  • CoNet

    Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods

  • Creative Clusters

    The starting assumption of the project is that creativity can act as a driving force for economic development of small urban centres and not only of big cities
  • CTUR

    Cruise activity and the recovery of urban and harbour building heritage: Strong elements of the common interest of sea towns to develop and strengthen the urban

  • ESIMeC

    How medium sized cities can generate new employment opportunities, prepare workers for jobs, and address mismatches between the supply of labour and demand for

  • 4D Cities

    Promoting innovation and the knowledge economy in health field for the local social and economic development.

  • CityLogo

    CityLogo is a transnational learning experience on citybranding and -marketing in modern urban politics. It is about a better positioning of cities in the (post

  • Diet for a Green Planet

    Food and agriculture accounts for a key part of global environmental challenges including climate change, biodiversity, nitrogen and phosphorus. Diet for a

  • SURE

    Implementation of integrated socio-economic regeneration strategies which build on local strengths and opportunities. This will be achieved by developing an

  • EVUE

    Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the

  • CSI Europe

    The aim of the JESSICA initiative is to support “sustainable investment in cities”. Through the implementation of the initiative, Urban Development Funds are


    ENTER.HUB promotes the role of railway hubs/multimodal interfaces of regional relevance in medium cities as engines for integrated urban development and