One Health 4 Cities

Cities in action for Human, Animal and Environmental health

01/06/2023 31/12/2025


The One Health 4 Cities network aims to promote the integration of the One Health approach into urban strategies and projects. It intends to develop tools that empower decision-makers and operational teams to increase the positive impact of urban projects on the well-being and health of people, animals and environment.


LEAD PARTNER : Lyon - France
  • Suceava - Romania
  • Eurometropolis Strasbourg - France
  • Kuopio - Finland
  • Loulé - Portugal
  • Lahti - Finland
  • Benissa - Spain
  • Elefsina - Greece
  • Munich - Germany


First transnational Core meeting on 14-16 November 2023 in Lyon, France.


Second transnational Core meeting on 12-14 February 2024 in Lahti, Finland.


Third transnational Core meeting on 3-4 October 2024 in Elefsina, Greece.


Lead Expert