01/12/2013 31/03/2015


Explores how demand-led workforce development strategies can be used as instruments of sustainable economic recovery in medium sized cities



In 2010, 8 medium sized cities from across Europe responded to the economic crisis by coming together to find innovative approaches to economic recovery, growth and resilience.  Early on in the project the partners identified that their people were their main asset and people were therefore placed at the heart of the Local Action Plans.  Between 2010 and 2013 the partners met to exchange good practice and learn from each other.  Each partner developed their own action plan around tackling the skills and workforce development issues they were facing.  

In January 2014, 5 of the original partners came together again to review their action plans and to begin to share the main challenges they face in delivering them.  ESIMeC II will run until early 2015 and enable the partners to address these challenges through continued transnational exchange and learning.


Lead Partner Basingstoke and Deane
  • Sabadell - Spain
  • Debrecen - Hungary
  • Bistrița - Romania
  • Gävle - Sweden


Project launch

Project completed


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