URBACT stories

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  • From URBACT to H2020: how 2 cities are scaling up citizen-powered projects for greener communities

    Manchester (UK) and Poznań (PL) are just 2 of many European cities building on their URBACT experiences in integrated, sustainable urban development to boost local participation and improve results in bigger national and EU projects.

    Amy Labarrière

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  • Fighting homelessness: the role of cities

    Laura Colini, URBACT programme expert gives an overview of the URBACT City Lab for Cities Fighting Homelessness, which was done in collaboration with FEANTSA and the Mairie de Paris.


    Laura Colini

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  • The housing paradox: what can local municipalities do?

    The negative consequences of the financialisation of housing can be felt first and foremost on a local level, in the urban housing markets. Thus the crucial questions are: what are local municipalities doing? Or to what extent can the growing problem of affordable housing be handled on a local level?

    Ivan Tosics

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  • Local drive for a cycle-friendly city

    Facing severe pollution from over-reliance on cars, Thessaloniki (GR) committed to promoting cycling proactively, and, through the URBACT RESILIENT EUROPE network, drew up its first-ever strategy framework to increase cycling in the city.


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  • BeePathNet: enriching the urban jungle with bees

    Klemen Strmšnik shares his enthusiasm for Ljubljana’s (SI) green endeavours and the on going success of the BeePathNet project linking 6 European cities seeking to promote urban beekeeping. He asks: if the awareness and enthusiasm are already there, can urban beekeeping become integral to an urban lifestyle?


    Klemen Strmsnik

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