URBACT Good Practices

The ever-growing database of URBACT-labelled Good Practices includes insider knowledge on how cities across Europe have brought  positive change around just, green and productive cities, following URBACT’s core principles of participation and integration.

The showcased initiatives are effective practices, policies and projects that have been successfully put into place and could be exactly what you are looking for in your own city. Most Good Practices are low-cost and high impact. They should be shared, adapted and scaled up. Stay tuned for the next URBACT call for proposals to submit your own success story!



  • Adelfia / Italy

    Music 'n' Play

    An orchestra for social inclusion, using music to bring diversities together and break down prejudice

  • Rzeszow / Poland

    Resident service points

    A tool for improving residents’ access to public services

  • Bucharest / Romania

    Public utility park

    Sustainable growth and social cohesion through the creation of a multifunctional public park

  • Ghent / Belgium

    Refugee Solidarity

    A pro-active approach for welcoming refugees, starting the integration process from day one.

  • Avilés / Spain

    Local group on immigration

    Coordinating local work for immigrants' social inclusion

  • Macerata / Italy

    Play and grow

    Co-regeneration of urban green spaces

  • Munich / Germany

    Bright mobility management

    Promoting environmentally friendly transport and reducing car traffic - and thus CO2 emissions - within the city

  • Sintra / Portugal

    The strategic council

    Upgrading municipal government in the areas of business and the environment

  • Avilés / Spain

    Social clauses in public procurement procedures

    Including social criteria in public recruitment procedures to help disadvantaged people access the labour market in Avilés

  • Poznań / Poland

    Apartments for graduates

    An affordable housing project aimed at university graduates