URBACT Good Practices

The ever-growing database of URBACT-labelled Good Practices includes insider knowledge on how cities across Europe have brought  positive change around just, green and productive cities, following URBACT’s core principles of participation and integration.

The showcased initiatives are effective practices, policies and projects that have been successfully put into place and could be exactly what you are looking for in your own city. Most Good Practices are low-cost and high impact. They should be shared, adapted and scaled up. Stay tuned for the next URBACT call for proposals to submit your own success story!



  • Murcia / Spain

    Integrated and participative urban regeneration

    Integrated approach to urban regeneration of a disadvantaged district through a citizen participation process and three strategic intercorrelated pathways.

  • Paris / France

    Participatory budget

    Citizens decide on projects designed for and by them.

  • Ljubljana / Slovenia

    Bringing citizens closer to their mayor and city services

    A citizens' inniatives service allowing citizens to participate in decision-making at local level

  • Vaslui / Romania

    When unused and empty spaces become the centres of social inclusion

    How a city can smartly use its abandoned spaces to respond to citizens' needs

  • Pforzheim / Germany

    The power of arts and green

    Using art, green and citizens in the transformation of urban areas

  • Dupnitsa / Bulgaria

    A home for everyone

    Social housing & soft measures to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups

  • Umea / Sweden

    Gender equality at the heart of the city

    A tour to an urban "gendered" landscape to raise awareness and promore gender equality

  • Grand Paris Métropolis / France

    How participative metropolitan planning can really work

    "Let's reinvent the Grand Paris Metropolis" call for projects brings together local stakeholders to design their metropolitan area.

  • L'Hospitalet de Llobregat / Spain

    On Stage! Music and arts for social change

    The sound of education: how music and performing art can bolster social inclusion

  • Rome / Italy

    Resilient urban and peri-urban agriculture

    A tool for social inclusion and urban regeneration