Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Data Baselines: Ensuring You Have the Data You Need (webinar)

    Webinar | Data Baselines: Ensuring You Have the Data You Need

    On Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, the Network Beyond the Urban held its first webinar entitled "Data Baselines: Ensuring You Have the Data You Need" by the AdHoc Expert, Mar Santamaria Varas. Her experience combines strategic and integrated urban planning, participatory processes, and data analytics for public policies.

    Monica Carrera

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  • TechDiversity Unveils Integrated Approach to Urban Development and Tech Talent

    On the 6th and 7th of March, the 2nd Transnational Network Meeting of "TechDiversity – Diversity and Inclusion in Knowledge-based Digital and Tech Ecosystems" took place in Amarante, Portugal.

    Harry Kalliaras

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  • How can Varberg become the number one city for young talent?

    URBACT Local Group meeting in Varberg, Sweden

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • ARCHETHICS_Dissonant Heritage

    Archethics | The Baseline Study and the Network Roadmap

    The Baseline Study and the Network Roadmap of ARCHETHICS (written during the activation stage of ARCHETHICS - URBACT Action Planning Network - June - December 2023) aims at guiding partner cities in a depth and productive exchange and learning at Network and local level in the next two project years (2024-2025). 

    Ileana Toscano

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  • URBACT GenProcure present at the Procura+ conference

    URBACT GenProcure at the Procura+ conference


    The GenProcure Network is in the process of developing Integrated Action Plans for each of the nine partner cities. Gender Responsive Public Procurement is a strategic approach that aims to create synergies between two seemingly disparate worlds: gender equality and public procurement. The GenProcure network seeks to promote specific training, awareness-raising actions, and public procurement processes that include social criteria, most notably around addressing inequality. The network aims to change the culture surrounding these two topics.


    Edgar Azevedo

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  • Berane Municipality presented the ECONNECTING network to the Montenegrin Minister of European Affairs

    Mariachiara Di Tella

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