Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Insights from the Lead Partner on Digital Inclusion


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  • a color photo with people sitting in an historic train

    Opportunity to get to know each other during the First Transnational meeting

    Designing and implementing sustainable development strategies are one of the primary tasks of urban areas. In the long term, achieving such a goal must include efforts to mitigate climate change. While this is a challenge that all cities are facing, this topic is a special area of interest for the partners of the GreenPlace network.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • TNM Skofja Loka of the Breaking isolation network met on December 13 and 14, 2023

    December 13th and 14th marked the holding of the 2nd Transnational Meeting (TNM) of the Breaking Isolation network of the Urbact program in Škofja Loka, Slovenia, bringing together the nine delegations from participating European cities. See more : 


    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Breaking Isolation Network - First Meeting In Agen

    First TNM of the Breaking Isolation network in Agen

    The city of Agen, represented by Claire Rives, municipal councillor delegated to the CCAS (Central Fund for Social Activities), had the pleasure of hosting the delegations from the nine European cities of the Breaking Isolation network on September 13 and 14, 2023. These two days were an opportunity for our partners to meet and participate in cohesion workshops organized by Christophe Gouache, the Expert of the Breaking Isolation network. A meeting that also allowed for raising awareness and involving participants in the entire process.

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    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Interview with the Project Partner

    Insights from the Project Partners on Digital Inclusion


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  • Lead expert interview

    Insights from our Lead Expert on Digital Inclusion


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