Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Ready for Action! Meeting, 15-16 November 2023

    Municipality of Rethymno organized the “Ready for Action! Meeting”, on November 15th-16th in Rethymno Crete.

    Vasilis Koutalas

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  • C4TALENT poster

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • C4TALENT's Press release#1 is out now.

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • Transfer Story – Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

    The Municipality of Banská Štiavnica joined the transfer network in order to explore volunteerism in the town and abroad and to learn from the experience of others. At the time, we thought that volunteerism is not active in Banská Štiavnica and our aim was to start volunteering activities in our town but as the time passed and the ULG was established, we realised that volunteerism is in practice on high level however is not visible or promoted.



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  • Grosseto_public building

    iPlace- gli strumenti dell’handbook per lo sviluppo dell’economia locale e l’esperienza di Grosseto

    di Nicole Mercurio

    Nella progettazione e nelle politiche per lo sviluppo urbano, troppo spesso lo sviluppo economico locale viene pensato e pianificato sulla base delle esperienze e delle conoscenze sviluppate dalle grandi città.
    Affinché l’obiettivo di generare un impatto economico reale sui piccoli centri sia perseguito, è però importante attuare un cambio di paradigma e partire dalla premessa per la quale le realtà minori necessitano di nuovi strumenti e chiavi di lettura, che partano dalle loro differenze e che rendano le loro piccole dimensioni non uno svantaggio ma un valore aggiunto dal quale partire.

    Simone d'Antonio

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  • Cover final article

    Playful Paradigm II. Making all urban public spaces, meaningful places for Play


    The experience of Playful Paradigm has clearly showed that people need urban public spaces open for play. Bringing play outside playgrounds is the challenge to provide the “right to play” to children and all citizens. Fostering cities welcoming play everywhere is the goal to driving the change for more inclusive and liveable cities.

    Ileana Toscano

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