This URBACT network is halfway the elaboration of the Integrated Action Plan and year 2024 was key when building each local group of experts. Here are three different but effective ways to disseminate Digi Inclusion network initiative through a wide range of public which have been critical for reaching more agents to build up a better URBACT Local Group.
Fairs usually bring together a wide range of professionals in a specific field and others who might be interested in derivate topics. When done properly, being present in a fair is likely to generate leads or interactions with curious topic related professionals. Infoshare is the largest tech fair conference in Central and Eastern Europe held in Gdansk the last week of May. Our Project Partner from the Entrepreneurial Gdansk Foundation were seen by more than 6500 attendees and 150 speakers. Quite close to Gdansk, the Zemgale entrepreneur forum held in Lietuva the 15th of May was smaller in terms of participants but equally effective reaching new audience for the Digi Inclusion work. It was partaken by our Project Partner from Jelgava Local Municipality.
Conferences like Building future-proof public services in the Baltics held online just the day before the Zemgale forum in Lietuva and the Digital Transformation of SME in Western Balkan Countries held in Zenica the 31st of May are also capital events focused in specific topic discussions gathering professionals who can provide great value to the Digi Inclusion Network. Whether it’s contributing with new ideas, points of view or even finding new ULG members, conferences are great sources of information for the project.
Internal meetings like the one with the Society of Polish Urban Planners held at the Gdánsk Technical University in June, or the analysis of the study about Digital literacy of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina conducted by the Digital Transformation Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina are two solid meetings that will become significant for the Network’s outputs. Our Project Partners in Gdansk and Zenica-Doboj Canton in Bosnia will leverage the knowledge of the meeting assistants for the Integrated Action Plan that will help peer cities to tackle digital divide.
In summary, disseminating the network's goals and ongoing work is as important as the work itself. A broader perspective within the working group enhances the impact on cities and their citizens, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the network Integrated Action Plan.