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  • How to create community gardens? Krakow shows us how…

    The Krakow Municipal Green Space Authority recently published a very interesting article on how to create community gardens, which are not just gardens: the challenging and key word is “community”.

  • NEW CITY HABITAT Conference in Krakow

    We were all supposed to meet in Krakow for the New City Habitat conference on 25th of September…but Covid-19 did now allow us to do so. Yet, our colleagues from the Polish city were not disheartened

  • Articles

    RU:RBAN participates in the 2020 Sustainable Development Festival

    The Sustainable Development Festival (22 September-8 October 2020) is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues

  • Articles

    RU:RBAN participates in the 2020 Sustainable Development Festival

    The Sustainable Development Festival (22 September-8 October 2020) is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues

  • Articles

    Vilnius shares its very own gardening guide and its Ideas Garden

    It is known to all that Lithuania is one of the greenest countries in Europe and its capital city, Vilnius, one of the greenest city in Europe with 46% of the territory dedicated to green space: parks

  • Rome: the Improvement Plan of the city’s Regulations of Urban Gardens is going ahead

    The debate between the Councilor for Green Policies of the City of Rome, Ms Laura Fiorini, and the representatives of the city’s urban gardeners associations is in progress: the City Administration


    It has been ascertained through the different urban agriculture initiatives in Europe that urban gardens provide multiple benefits for our cities and their citizens. In the case of Thessaloniki, the


    After several months of online meetings and communication via email, the members of Caen’s ULG (Urbact Local Group) finally met on 2nd July at the Arlette’s Gardens for what was to be a meeting with a


    The Tre Fontane urban garden of Rome hosted, on the 8th of July, the event for the presentation of the results of the Erasmus GARDENISER PRO project, a 3-year adventure carried out by the Replay