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  • Articles

    Urbact Interactive Cities Transnational Meeting Murcia – Part One

    The Murcia Team had the immense pleasure of hosting the previous to last partner meeting of the Urbact Interactive Cities Network in our city from the 24th until the 26th of January 2018, a vibrant

  • Collaborative Governance Tech Platform: lessons retain to increase community participation

    The Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) Lisbon Network is a non-profit organisation created in 2015 following an application for Portugal 2020 funding. It is a strategy for Local Community-Based

  • Palermo bets on social media governance

    Palermo bets on social media governance to restore a climate of trust between citizens and institutions in the field of urban mobility. Within the process of reduction of the Local Action Plan Palermo

  • Roadmap to a better Social Media Governance

    How Social Media can help the collaboration between Public Administration and Citizens

    "There is a lot of power in people to self-organise around a specific issue and if they'd like to use technology