C4TALENT Vilanova i la Geltrú Meeting: A Resounding Success

Edited on 04/06/2024

A truly inspiring event held in Spain, between 28-30 May.

The recent C4TALENT transnational meeting held in Vilanova i la Geltrú was a tremendous success, thanks to the outstanding efforts of our hosts and the enthusiastic participation of all attendees. The event, hosted by the Local Public Innovation Agency E.P.E.L. Neàpolis Vilanova i la Geltrú, brought together teams from our ten partner cities, all united in their mission to tackle brain drain and promote the attraction and retention of young talent.

A Warm Welcome and High-Level Engagement

A highlight of the event was the warm reception by the mayor of Vilanova i la Geltrú, Juan Luis Ruiz Lopez, who welcomed Nerijus Cesiulis, the mayor of Alytus, along with delegations from the other partner cities. This high-level engagement underscored the importance of our shared goals and set the stage for two days of productive collaboration.

In-Depth Discussions and Knowledge Sharing

For two days, participants engaged in in-depth discussions, explored innovative methods and tools, and presented pilot experiences. Collaborative sessions provided a platform to share best practices, address challenges, and highlight successful and replicable initiatives from various local contexts.

Key Highlights of the Meeting Included:

 - Innovative Methods and Tools: Participants discussed and evaluated cutting-edge methods and tools aimed at addressing brain drain and enhancing talent attraction and retention.

 - Masterclass: by Alison Partridge and Tracey Johnson who generously offered their expertise to guide the partner cities through the process of mapping their entrepreneurial ecosystem.

 - Collaborative Sessions: These sessions facilitated the exchange of practices, challenges, and successes, fostering a rich learning environment for all attendees.

Looking Forward

The Vilanova i la Geltrú meeting was an inspiring and enriching experience for all involved. Participants left feeling both tired and inspired, having gained valuable knowledge and new perspectives to bring back to their respective cities. The collaborative spirit and shared commitment to fostering vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems were evident throughout the event.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Vilanova i la Geltrú team for their exceptional hospitality and to all participants for their active engagement and contributions. The lessons learned and connections made during this meeting will undoubtedly strengthen our collective efforts moving forward.

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned for more updates and insights of the meeting. We look forward to sharing the video pitches from our partner cities, incorporating the invaluable lessons learned during the masterclass on building an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Until them, how about a short video to get a taste of the event? 

For more information about the C4TALENT project or to get involved, you can follow us on LinkedIn too.


Submitted by Zoltán Szenes on 04/06/2024
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Zoltán Szenes

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