Citizen-Led Green Transition in Vilnius

Edited on 22/10/2024

Vilnius is leading the way to climate neutrality with community-driven projects like a food-sharing fridge, a toy and book exchange, and urban gardens. Through these citizen-led initiatives, the city is empowering residents to take action against climate change while strengthening community bonds.

As part of the COPE initiative within the URBACT network, Vilnius is leading projects that actively involve local communities in the green transition. Three inspiring projects highlight how Vilnius is moving toward climate-neutrality with the active participation of its citizens.

  • Bendruomenés Šaldytuvas – A Community Fridge to Combat Food Waste

The Bendruomenés Šaldytuvas is a food-sharing station where residents, restaurants and stores can leave surplus food. Inspired by similar initiatives in Copenhagen and Helsinki, this project in the Antakalnis neighbourhood aims to reduce food waste and promote community food redistribution.

  • Knygų ir Žaislų Namelis – Sharing Station for Toys and Books

The Knygų ir Žaislų Namelis is a sharing station where children can exchange toys and books they no longer use. This project helps families reduce waste by encouraging children to excgange items they no longer need, teaching them about responsibility and environmental protection from an early age. 

  • Idėjų Lysvė – Urban Community Gardens 

Two thriving gardens - Idėjų Lysvė Vėškiai, started in 2024, and Idėjų Lysvė Pilaitė, active since 2019 – are bringing neighbors together. These gardens not only support sustainable living but also strengthen community bonds by fostering collaboration among residents. 

These initiatives represent just a few examples of how Vilnius is leading the charge in creating climate-neutral communities by encouraging local citizens to act against climate change. By providing platforms for collaboration and creativity, these projects demonstrate that the transition to a greener future is not only possible but also enriching for both individuals and the community.

The Municipality of Vilnius, as a partner in the URBACT COPE network, is committed to continuing its support for citizen-led projects, showing that when communities work together, sustainability can be achieved in a way that benefits everyone.

Submitted by Rannvá Pállson Joensen on 22/10/2024
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Rannvá Pállson Joensen

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