An enabling national framework:
Thanks to the growing preoccupation of French citizens for sustainable and quality food, the parliament adopted in October 2018 the Egalim law, which among others directly affects public collective catering (increase of organic products up to at least 20% in 2022, drastic reduction of food waste and plastic in the canteens…).
In continuity, Mouans-Sartoux was in February 2019 one of the only 5 projects awarded by the National Programme for Food (PNA, Programme National de l’Alimentation) in the newly created dissemination category. The 10 000 inhabitants city received fundings to create a French transfer network.
9 new partners join the transfer:
Because of the increased interest of the society for sustainable food and the evolving legal framework, more and more municipalities are interested in sustainable canteens and in Mouans-Sartoux’s experience. In this regard a high number of cities or group of cities applied to be part of this new network named Cantines Durables Territoires Engagés (Sustainable Canteens Committed Territories).
After the selection phase, 9 highly committed cities (or group of cities) from 7 different French regions were selected to take part in this network. During 2 years they will build on Mouans-Sartoux's experience and learn from each other and from Mouans-Sartoux to develop sustainable canteens and more generally an ambitious agri-food strategy.