Join [u]s for the EU City Lab on Local Food Systems #1 by URBACT and European Urban Initiative! Scroll down to discover the programme of the event and register now!
Mouans-Sartoux , France
21-22 March 2024
URBACT Programme

Join us in Mouans-Sartoux to learn how habits’ transformation can lead to a healthier and more sustainable urban food system!
The EU City Lab on Local Food Systems #1 will take place in Mouans-Sartoux, France, on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 March 2024. It is a knowledge-sharing event co‑organised by URBACT and the European Urban Initiative (EUI), with support from the municipality of Mouans-Sartoux.
This EU City Lab lab will focus on Changing Habits for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System. Through discussions and knowledge-sharing, thematic sessions, “walkshops” and group activities, the event aims to explore how transformation of food habits can leverage systemic sustainability transition in European cities.
The lab is a unique opportunity to:
- Learn more about the Mouans-Sartoux’s Good Practice in the field of collective school catering
- Explore how other EU cities followed Mouans-Sartoux’s example through the URBACT BioCanteens and BioCanteens#2 Transfer Networks
- Discover further good practices implemented by other EU cities to foster sustainability in local food systems
- Visit sites in Mouans-Sartoux and exchange with locals about citywide food sustainability, citizen engagement actions and learning communities
- Discuss how local projects towards more healthy and sustainable food habits can be put in place in different national contexts
- Better understand the EU landscape around food systems.
The Mouans-Sartoux event will be the first in a series of three EU City Labs on Local Food Systems, exploring systemic food transition in European cities from different thematic perspectives. The next labs will be organised in the course of 2024:
- Public Procurement for More Local, Seasonal and Sustainable Food – Liège, Belgium, 29 and 30 May 2024
- Sustainable Land Use for Agri-food (place and date to be unveiled soon).
Click here to learn more on the EU City Lab series.
Here is some practical information to organise your trip to Mouans-Sartoux and prepare your participation.
Preliminary programme (download it here: English | French)
(Please click on the arrow to switch to page 2)
*Meals during the EU City Lab programme are offered.
How did the Mouans-Sartoux EU City Lab go? To find out:
-- Read the article: Petroli, C., E. Timsit, B. Eibl and N. Candoni, 5 bite-size morsels for cities to transform local food systems, 10 April 2024
-- Download the event slides.
- Other resources:
> EU Food City Lab #1 PRESS WALL curated by the students of SciencesPo
Do you wish to learn more about URBACT cities' past work on building sustainable local food systems? Visit the URBACT Knowledge Hub on Food and read the following articles:
Just released:
-- Jégou, F., Feeding change: Cities empowering healthier and more sustainable food choices, 1 March 2024
On the BioCanteens Transfer Network journey and the Mouans-Sartoux Good Practice:
- Jégou, F., Food purchase is an agriculture act!, 8 November 2022
- Jégou, F., BioCanteens#2: cities engaged for food democracy and sovereignty, 13 October 2021
- Copying neighbours. Lessons of BioCanteens Transfer Network. Final publication of BioCanteens#1, June 2021.
On URBACT work in the field of healthy and sustainable local food systems and the European and international background:
- Bonneau, M., Cities nurturing local food systems to fight climate change, 10 November 2021 (updated on 21 December 2023).
- Bonneau, M., Let's talk about food!, 24 August 2022
- Bonneau, M., Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success?, 9 October 2020
EU City Lab Mouans-Sartoux - Programme (ENGLISH)(PDF, 46Mo)
EU City Lab Mouans-Sartoux - Programme (FRENCH)(PDF, 46Mo)
EU City Lab Mouans-Sartoux #1 - SLIDES(PDF, 6Mo)