Join our online info session to find out about the call for Good Practices and the benefits for your city!
25 April 2024
URBACT Programme

The URBACT call for Good Practices, running between 15 April and 30 June 2024, is looking for existing local practices in sustainable urban development. In this context, the URBACT Secretariat is organising a series of online info sessions to present the details of the call and what is in it for the interested cities.
Cities from European Union's 27 Member States, Partner States (Norway, Switzeland), cities from countries benefitting from the Instrument for Pre-Accession to the EU (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), as well as from Ukraine and Moldova are invited to join this information session that will present the call for Good Practices for the first time.
During this first information session, the URBACT Secretariat will present the details of the call and how to apply, demonstrating the elements of an URBACT Good Practice with guest speakers from cities previously awarded the Good Practice label.
Have you missed this session or want to get your memory refreshed? Watch the recording here and see the presentation below.