Webinar "Exploring Micromobility: An Online Workshop on Walking, Cycling, and Active Mobility"

Edited on 08/03/2024

On 13th March 2024 from 9.00 to 12.00 CET PUMA network is organising an online webinar about micromobility.


Mobility is a very important service, which should be provided to all citizens, regardless of their welfare level, education, social status, gender or other characteristics.


Despite urban mobility trends in the 21st century, small and medium European cities lack a well developed public transportation system, cycling and walking is not very popular transportation type due to the convenience provided by the private car. It leads to high CO2 emissions, noise and air pollution, and there is a lack of citizen engagement. If there is no action, soon these cities will also keep facing pressure for car-focused planning and cities can become less attractive to tourists, inhabitants, entrepreneurs and people in general.


Micromobility can help to improve this situation.


Open to a wider public

13 March 2024


What can you expect from the webinar?

Jointly with mobility experts, we will explore multiple topics starting from micromobility like walking, cycling, overview of current trends and challenges, and ending with sustainable transportation topics – exploring other forms of active mobility, opportunities, and challenges in integrating these modes into urban transportation systems. We will also have a panel discussion where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussions.


Our speakers:

  1. Karolina Orcholska, PUMA network Lead Expert
  2. Matija Sikirić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  3. Juljan Jurak, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  4. Claus Kollinger, Schoolhoods network Lead Expert

Webinar agenda here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1amr82IkB3mwwOJZgcrS_T3UWgVnWGaPc/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110575316738366231033&rtpof=true&sd=true