Alberto Bonetti

Edited on 20/03/2024

Alberto Bonetti

  • Italy

  • Italian, English
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. hematic expertise:
> Energy transition
> Jobs and skills
> Knowledge economy


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation



I’m R&D Director of a non-profit research centre called CSMT ( and I have been active since more than 30 years in the R&D field with different profiles, promoting an impressive number of R&D projects. CSMT is an innovation contamination hub. We are hosting around 25 start-ups. I’m project manager of START-HUB, the start-ups acceleration programme of CSMT, focused on sustaining entrepreneurship, jobs and skills. I’m also Head of Project Funding in CSMT, responsible to offer support to SMEs for funding opportunities to support innovation, employment, entrepreneurship.

Energy transition has been a relevant topic in my professional career. I worked for more than 24 years in the major energy Italian utility company (, where I have promoted several energy related international projects, dealing with sustainable energy production and green technologies. In my role as R&D Director of CSMT I have also promoted in the last 10 years several initiatives in the digital transformation and IT field.

Several are the examples of my experience of knowledge production at workshops, conferences, trainings or learning events related to the energy transition theme (understood as addressing carbon footprint/ reduction/ neutrality, sustainable energy production, green technologies, resource efficiency, as from the URBACT call) in the last 33 years. The best example of my capacity to capture network knowledge, results and learning addressed to policy makers is the one related to my role as Ad-Hoc expert for the URBACT URBSecurity project (, appointed in 2020 by URBACT and focused on the preparation and support to several thematic network meetings where policy decision makers were involved, aiming at defining urban security policies.

I'm Responsible for R&D, project funding and support to innovation within a public/private research and technology transfer, start-ups incubator centre promoting innovative technologies and business development through links between industrial and research actors, entrepreneurship, SMEs, local authorities and institutions growth through the initiation of national and international innovation projects and the identification of possible funding sources and business plan deployment for start-ups and spin-offs, conception and presentation of project proposals and project management..