Alice Lunardon
- English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan

Validated Expert info
Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- Thematic expertise:
> Mobility
Sustainable City Expert, with a focus on mobility and transport. Creator of a EU-wide project about railway stations and sustainable cities, the "Sustainable City Promoter".
Wide experience in urban planning and mobility, first working in french railways (SNCF) and then at the EIT Urban Mobility, always helping cities in implementing sustainable transport projects, tests and pilots of innovative solutions, and addressing the policy and governance gaps.
Strong business development skills combined with an entrepreneurial attitude and strategic thinking for developing and managing innovation, and create impact. Self-starter, able to link stakeholders to create added value and new projects. Successful in leading new ideas and activities between R&D and business.
C-Level access, able to develop and maintain relationships with clients, and deeply understanding clients’ needs. Excellent operational leadership facilitating fact-based decision-making and guiding communication.
PhD candidate on the topic of urbanism and railway stations for more sustainable cities at TUM Munich, already published a paper focussed on mobility issues: