Branislav Antonić

Edited on 12/03/2024

Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:

[Strategic Urban Planning, Urban Design, Housing, Mobility]



My name is Branislav Antonić (Бранислав Антонић). I am an urban planner and designer from Serbia, working on the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. My expertise includes scientific, professional and pedagogic references in the field of urbanism, with a focus on the topics of the development of small cities, towns and communities and the urban dimension of housing. As the coordinator or member of a working team, I have been involved in the creation of 35 urban plans, urban design projects and spatial plans. I am active in international and national research projects and conferences, being the author of more than 100 scientific contributions: monographs, article journals, conference papers, and research studies. Additionally, I have participated in several international and national research projects and networks (UNDP, Erasmus+ KA2, INTERREG, COST Action, CEEPUS, and bilateral projects). I am also awarded several times in international and national competitions in my field. 

I am a hard-working, collaborative and well organised person, always ready to work in team and on different locations. I also appreciate an innovative, creative, out-of-the-box working tasks and atmosphere. 
MY PORTFOLIO - My experience in international projects, networks and cooperations: 
INTERREG EU Danube Transnational Programme:
_ DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage – DANUrB+ / 2020-2022 / leader of several activities, communication manager & researcher. 
_ DANube Urban Brand – a regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity – DANUrB / 2017-2019 / communication manager & researcher. 
_URBACT IV / 2023- / validated ad hoc expert for housing, strategic urban planning, urban design. 
UNDP Serbia – United Nations Development Programme in Serbia:
_ National Human Development Report – Serbia 2022 / 2021-2022 / National Consultant for urban and regional development. 
_ Urban Co-creation Project – Family-friendly Urban Design / 2024- / National Consultant. Approved project in the first stage of preparation.
Erasmus+ KA203 Cooperation Programme:
_ CREATIVE DANUBE: Innovative Teaching for Inclusive Development in Small and Medium-Sized Danubian Cities / 2019-2022 / Erasmus+ KA203 Cooperation Programme / communication manager & researcher. 
CEEPUS – Central European Exchange Program for University Studies Programme:
_ CROSS/HOUSE CEEPUS Network: Sustainable Housing – Cross-Cultural Society / 2020-2022 / Author of application & technical secretary of the network. 
COST ACTION – European Cooperation in Science and Technology:
_ CA18204 Dynamics of Placemaking and Digitization in Europe´s Cities / 2019-2024 / COST EU Action / MC Substitute.