Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead Expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Mobility
> Climate Adaptation
> Strategic Urban Planning
> Participative Governance
- Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions
Architect /urban planner. European Master degree in the Town Regional and Urban Design in 1994-1995 at the INEAA, European Institute of Urban planning, Rouen University, France
I have more than twenty years experience as project coordinator in EU funded projects, involving EU and non-EU countries in the world, in Strategic urban planning, Mobility, Climate adaptation and Multi-level governance, New urban economies, Green economy, Urban resilience, Social Inclusion.
I am particularly proficient in the thematic area of Urban innovation, with in-depth knowledge of urban trends and challenges in a wide range of countries. Since 2001, I have coordinated multidisciplinary teams as head of European Unit within Risorse per Roma, in-house company of the City of Rome. In 2017, I submitted to the URBACT Secretariat the case of Rome, RESILIENT URBAN & PERI-URBAN AGRICULTURE.
As a result, Rome was awarded the URBACT Good Practice label for its participatory urban gardening project. Then, I have coordinated RU:RBAN Network project on behalf of the City of Rome from 2018 to 2022 (RU:RBAN first wave and second wave).
I have been promoting innovative workshops to develop integrated and participatory policies in the field of urban sustainable development in all countries I worked with under European Programs focused on territorial cooperation, by involving local authorities , civil society and stakeholders (Interreg, Asia-Urbs, Urb-Al, TACIS, CIUDAD, ENPI CBC MED): 2003-2005 in Beijing, China, 2004-2005 in Lʼviv, Ukraine, 2004-2009 in many cities of Latin America, 2008-2012 in Kiev and Moscow.
All this experience enriched me greatly in terms of methods and tools of citizens participation, adapting and adjusting them in accordance to the local situations and cultural realities. In addition, this experience allowed me to increase my capacities and ability in the field of territorial cooperation activities and transnational meetings.
Other relevant experience can be found in my coordination in 2020-2021 of videoconferences and calls sessions for the Innopolis Initiative to support the Inter-American Development Bank in the cooperation among teams of City administrations from Latin America and Europe in the field of urban agriculture, in particular, involving the cities of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Tuxtla Gutierrez (Mexico), Lima (Peru), Loures/Lisbon (Portugal), A Coruna (Spain), Rome (Italy). During Covid time in 2020-2021 I also ensured my technical assistance to the City of Barranquilla (Colombia) & stakeholders involved in the implementation of the urban garden pilot in the disadvantaged peri-urban area of Villas de San Pablo: backstopping provided to the pilot project through videoconferences and calls on behalf of GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.