Validated Expert info
Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
2. Thematic expertise:
[Equality-Diversity-Inclusion, Knowledge economy, Local economy]
3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation
Dr. Leendert de Bell was appointed professor for sustainable labour participation of vulnerable groups (in particular refugees) at the Research Centre for Social Innovation at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht in 2019, and is academic staff member at the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Utrecht University since 2013. He obtained his PhD in International Development Studies at Utrecht University in 2005, and has extensive international experience in research and training for both private and public sector organisations, in Europe, Latin America and Africa.
His expertise and interests include: inclusive employment; forced migration; work integration; (social) entrepreneurship; scaling societal impact; cross-sector collaboration; multi-stakeholder partnerships; local economic development. His activities include: international consultancies and projects; multi-disciplinary, practice-oriented research, using participative and co-creative methods; training, workshops and (guest) lectures. (Previous) projects include:
- 'U-Match' (;
- 'More Impact through Collaboration' (;
- 'Your Global Future' (;
- 'Scaling Social Enterprises' (
- 'Kajjansi Junction Programme' (;
- 'Utrecht Refugee Launchpad (Plan Einstein)' (;
- 'Utrecht Valorisation Center' (;
- 'Kofi Annan Business Schools Foundation' (