Francesca Ansaloni

Edited on 20/12/2024

Francesca Ansaloni

  • Italy

  • Italian, English, French
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform  Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. Thematic expertise:
    > Equality, diversity and inclusion


Francesca Ansaloni is an urban specialist with over 17 years of experience in researching and advising institutions at different levels on how to make urban projects more inclusive and public spaces diverse and open to all, mostly in low-income neighbourhoods. She has been working in Italy, France, Belgium and Suisse. She holds a PhD from the University IUAV of Venice and she studied in Venice, Nairobi and London, where she has been exploring the concept of spatial justice, in both its theoretical and empirical dimensions.
She has recently worked as an expert with the European Urban Initiative and for the New European Bauhaus labelling strategy as the lead expert for the Diversity and Equality main area.