Validated Expert info
Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
Thematic expertise:
> Climate adaptation
Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation
I like to connect people with nature, nature with people and people with an interest in nature with each other.
As an urban ecologist I like to show people the resilience of nature found in the city. I worked for the city of Utrecht as an urban ecologist from 2000-2024. In that capacity I visited a number of cities and learned about their journey to green their city. I like to share these examples, inspire other cities, and help them with my extensive expertise on finding ways for protecting and restoring urban nature within a municipal context. I understand the political challenges cities face and the conflict of interest between different departments.
Knowledge exchange between cities is what sparks my day. I've been doing this for the Working group of Dutch Urban Ecologists since 2009 and as chair of the Eurocities Working group Green Areas and Biodiversity from 2016 - 2023. As working group we provided input from cities on art. 8 of the Nature Restoration Law to the European Commission. I was an action leader in the action plan drafted by the Urban Agenda Partnership Greening Cities. For the Nature of Cities festival I've been one of the curators for the contributions from Europe (festivals 2021, 2022 and 2024).
I believe that knowledge travels through people, so does the love for nature.